What is the purpose of border guards if migrants should be transported to refugee camps? Furthermore, 25 percent of refugee applications submitted in the European Union should be assessed in Hungary, which would lead to the formation of migrant ghettos.

If Hungary were to implement the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) on migration, the border guard would have to be abolished and the country would be full of walking migrants, the prime minister's chief adviser on internal security said in the M1 program on Wednesday.

What is the purpose of border guards if migrants should be transported to refugee camps? Furthermore, 25 percent of the refugee applications submitted in the European Union should be assessed in Hungary, which would lead to the formation of migrant ghettos, said György Bakondi. Therefore, the Hungarian government, in accordance with the will of the population, which has been expressed several times, does not wish to abolish the border guard system. Furthermore, he will file a lawsuit against the European Commission to reimburse the HUF 800 billion spent on border guarding, he added.

He recalled that based on the decision of the European Court of Justice, Hungary must pay a fine of 80 billion forints and an additional fine of 400 million forints per day until it enforces the EU asylum rules. This amount is seven times what the European Commission proposed for the court, he said. He also said that due to the coordinated activities of the Hungarian and Serbian police, the often violent, often armed migrants were pushed out of the southern border zone, and the migrants headed towards the Bosnian-Croatian border. At the same time, migrant gangs with opposing interests, who previously fought each other with machine guns and hand grenades on the Hungarian-Serbian border, now clashed in Sarajevo, he said.

This means that some immigrants are equipped with knives or firearms, which also shows that illegal migration poses a threat to the security of the country concerned, said György Bakondi.

European countries are already looking for alternative solutions to curb migration. Migrants are transported from Italy to Albania while their asylum applications are assessed. The previous British government would have taken the immigrants to Rwanda, but the new government abandoned the plan. The refugee flow through the English Channel started again right away, he said.

György Bakondi on Radio Kossuth Good morning, Hungary! in his program, he believed that the results of the EU elections already showed, but also the results of the German state elections, that Europeans are increasingly dissatisfied with the EU's migration policy.

If Hungary were to implement the ECJ's decision, the fence would lose its meaning, since everyone would have to be allowed in.

After that, even if a decision is made to deport them, according to European experience, this does not succeed in nine out of ten cases, he added. Among the perpetrators of terrorist attacks in recent years, there were a large number of those who were expelled, but still stayed, said György Bakondi.


Front page photo: Migrants on the Serbian side of the border in front of policewomen standing on the Hungarian side at the Hungarian-Serbian border, in the Röszke area (MTI Photo: Sándor Ujvári)