The data sheet marked 24EGYREG can now be downloaded from the NAV website, which must be submitted by those civil organizations that claim a 1 percent donation from private individuals from 2025 and have not previously registered.

The data sheet must be submitted electronically to NAV by September 30, 2024, if the organization claims a 1 percent contribution from private individuals from the year following the year of registration, i.e. from 2025. Prior registration is a condition for becoming a civil beneficiary, so without submitting the data sheet, the organization cannot receive 1 percent offers, warns the tax office.

The registration is valid until withdrawn, therefore the organization that is already a registered civil beneficiary does not have to submit an EGYREG data sheet again.

The list of civilian beneficiaries with valid registration in 2024 is available on this link on NAV's website

The data sheet's submission deadline of September 30, 2024 is void, and if it is missed, the registration cannot be taken into account, even if the organization submits a certificate or submits a request for fairness. The declarations, documents and certification detailed in the filling instructions must be attached to the data sheet. The programs that assist in filling out and the associated guides

- on the Print Search - National Tax and Customs Office ( link and
- on the ​​→ Prints → Online Form Filling Application (ONYA), or
- directly on the Login - Online Form Filling Application ( link

are found.

The data sheet can be submitted after the deadline if the beneficiary is a civilian

- terminates by legal succession, or the legal successor organization emerges from the beneficiary civil organization, since the legal successor organization does not automatically become a civil beneficiary,
- announces that it no longer meets the conditions for registration,
- wishes to indicate another domestic payment account number for the 1 to receive %.


Cover image: Pixabay