A barrage of absurdities, immoral views, anti-life aspirations, economic exploitation, and illegal actions have been and continue to pour down on us until today, forcing us to tire ourselves almost daily in this seemingly hopeless fight we are waging for normality and respect for the laws of nature. Written by Katalin Kondor.

For quite some time now, a normal civilian (and not a European Union representative) can rightly have the experience, feeling, and sorrow that we here in Hunnia are fighting like Don Quixote against some difficult-to-name enemy, which around this time is officially called the European Union wears

We struggle - hopelessly. Because its leaders are acting against everything that is normal, what is natural, what is decent, and what the dreamers of the union once made public by throwing a whistle at the original ideas of the founding fathers and refuting them almost every minute.

However, they implemented everything we didn't want, and we don't want it today either.

A barrage of absurdities, immoral views, anti-life aspirations, economic exploitations, and illegal acts have been and continue to rain down on us until today, forcing us to tire ourselves almost daily in this seemingly hopeless fight we are waging for normality and respect for the laws of nature. In order to do this, they are using all kinds of tricks, now in particular to incite schoolchildren not to accept the regulation of the use of mobile phones at school.

Let there be chaos, let there be more and more artificial mishaps, but there should never be order, because it is easier to fish in confusion, and those who cause trouble know this very well.

We already know this method from the period of the teachers' protests, yet again and again people are concerned about why disorder so often wins over order? I don't know the exact answer.

Our country, the Carpathian Basin, is too good a place, so good that it can make troublemakers' teeth hurt in many ways. It's been a long time.

Of course, many people think about the origin of causes and actions, but for quite some time we have not come to the point of giving a rational explanation for the reasons for abnormal, illegal actions and phenomena. Order has broken down in the world, this is undeniable, even though it is order that always serves as the basis of a society - this could be a relatively acceptable answer, but does it not explain why the order that regulates the life of societies has broken down?

It would be great to organize a social discussion about this. I came to the conclusion myself - and I don't know if I'm right at all - that we weren't vigilant enough at the beginning.

We have allowed ourselves to be charmed by such and such phenomena of the so-called Western culture and democracy, unfortunately also by those which are now destroying the once admired and wonderful European culture, including, of course, the political culture. I think we didn't act in time. I will try to support this statement with a few examples. I write naively and with a civil mindset, I say that we certainly didn't notice the efforts in the nineties to squander the assets of our country, driven by individual interests and for their own benefit, by our domestic traitors, who are still laughing at their fists. Without any consequences.

We believed the "we can open a pastry shop in Vienna" line, and we didn't demand an answer from its inventor as to what it would cost a decent Hungarian to open a pastry shop in Vienna. We tolerated the shameful robbery privatization, and no responsible persons were found.

Then - in the 2000s - the IMF was unleashed on us. And the perfect sale of the country, its reduction into slavery, was successfully carried out with the help of the faulty economic policy of the Medgyesy, Gyurcsány, and Bajnai governments.

They also forced foreign currency loans on us, so they wanted to turn Hungary into a slave country.

And to reinforce our slavery even more, they told us to dare to be small. We dared for a while, unfortunately. And in the meantime - until now - we have to see and experience that the whole masquerade about European democracy is about robbing us.

About the double standard, about being second class. Does anyone dare to refute this statement now, in the time of the migrant reception madness and our eternal punishment? Don't do it! Our systematic re-education, our permanent re-education has been ongoing since the time of the so-called system change, and it does not stop.

Leaving aside some of the evidence that proves our economic "slavery", I also recall the period in 2011, when the Hungarian constitution was attacked in the plenary session of the European Parliament in an unprecedented hate-filled debate by the socialists and liberals in the union, even though the constitution is the internal matter of every country.

I have already written about this unprecedented meanness, as well as about the fact that at the same time a European Commissioner for Fundamental Rights called Vivien Reding called on Hungary to stop its anti-abortion campaign because it violates the right of self-determination of mothers.

He didn't like the fact that our posters at the time featured the "confession" of a fetus. It said: "I also understand if you are not ready for me, but rather give me up for adoption, let me live." Well, this is how we lived thirteen years ago in Hunnia. Even since then, volumes could be filled with our EU experiences.

And why we left all that I wrote about above, and many more things that would be needed here, well, it wouldn't hurt to have a social discussion, conversation, and common reflection about it.

Many people would perhaps better understand the reason for the arrival of foreign money that comes almost daily to individual opposition organizations, foundations, and pollsters, the result of the incessant criticisms and fines from Brussels, the purpose of forcing migrants on us, and many other phenomena that make our days difficult. And maybe it would even help us to never believe those who want to force us to dare to be small.

Hungarian Newspaper