Today, the Wild West does not begin on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, but at Hegyeshalom. Written by Tamás Pilhál.

Average Wednesday shooting at a US high school: four dead, nine injured. Now a 14-year-old boy decided to slaughter his teachers and fellow students in Winder, Georgia. A diligent consumer of news would only get his head up if a week went by without a school massacre. The first school shooting in America was recorded in 1760, when a Wild West person sent ten students and a teacher to the eternal hunting grounds. Apparently, this kind of dispute resolution is part of the folklore there. If you don't like something, you get the Stucker/machine gun/machine gun and clean it up.

And as the country is, so are its leaders: the "policeman of the world" has managed world politics in the same style for the last half century, starting with Korea, going through Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, and ending with Syria.

It is estimated that there are at least 250-270 million firearms in American households. It's surprisingly easy to get a pistol and even a serial shooter. We Hungarians go to the convenience store for red peppers - they for shotguns. The situation hasn't changed much since Michael Moore's 2002 documentary Coke, Gun, Fries. At least the killing tools have become more effective. There are no murder figures for this year yet. But in 2020, the first year of the coronavirus epidemic, for example, 21,570 people were killed in the United States, so an average of fifty-nine per day. After the quarantine, there was a few percent decrease. If yesterday was really an average day in the "motherland of democracy", then in addition to the four dead in Georgia, another fifty people were certainly murdered in the country.

But it's all part of the normal course of business there. We are talking about a country conceived in genocide and built on the foundation of a cult of violence. Where the democratic leadership is now letting in millions of illegal migrants at an accelerated pace from the south - we need their votes. And with them come thousands of criminals, mobsters, cocaine barons, rapists - the scum of South and Central America. Anyone who likes to live dangerously should move to the United States now. Have a nice survival!

The bigger problem is that the wild west doesn't start on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean anymore, but at Hegyeshalom. Because at the urging of the American deep state ("if we are hunchbacks, you should be too"), with the help of a few dozen Brussels bureaucrats bought by the pound and agent-politicians who betrayed their country, many millions of savages were unleashed on Western Europe as well. (They would send them here too, but we are still in the mud.) Most newcomers do not yet have pistols, but they wield knives very efficiently. There are not dozens, but hundreds of stabbing videos circulating on the world wide web, which show our fellow citizens of New Europe during their integration. Solingen stabbing at the diversity festival: three dead. Southport stabbing at girls' dance class: three dead. And rapes, gang wars, bombings, beheaded Christian priests, stabbings every day, every minute. Islamist terror and destruction.

Of course, not all illegal invaders are criminals, but the proportions are striking, the statistics are spectacular, even if the Western police and mainstream migrant propaganda try to cosmeticize them.

The most vindictive thing (and the riots in England partly broke out because of this): the left-wing governments act brutally not against the criminals, but against those who demand the deportation of the criminals. According to them, everyone is a "far-right" whose boots are full of migrant crime. Internet commentators are jailed for months for the greater glory of free speech and the rule of law.

That's how it is: if you liberate the third world, it will be a third world here too.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Paris, Nanterre, June 29, 2023. MTI/EPA/Yoan Valat