The prime minister also spoke about migration and the Russian-Ukrainian war at the international security policy forum in Italy.

Viktor Orbán also spoke about the Hungarian plans for the priorities of the successive Hungarian EU presidency, which he underlined

since migration is tearing Europe apart, the best solution is to give the option of opting out to those member states that do not want to participate.

therefore, Hungary must withdraw from the common migration policy

As the Prime Minister pointed out,

one of the main priorities is to deal with the war and its effects, and he recalled: let's not forget that the EU is a peace project.

He also talked about competitiveness in addition to war and migration, which destroys European unity, which we also saw in the recent German elections.

Regarding European competitiveness, the interviewer quoted Mario Draghi, the former president of the European Central Bank (ECB).

"Rethinking the Green Deal is a very important element of competitiveness", he also spoke about the latest decision made by the EU regarding Chinese cars.

It is clear that the Green Deal is not the management of the business, but rather in spite of it, he added.

The second challenge is bureaucracy, which, in his opinion, should be reduced.

The third is the withdrawal of investments in Europe - the Hungarian Prime Minister listed in relation to competitiveness.

We have to define why we work together, added Orbán.

We don't need a political union, it kills competitiveness in the EU. More unity in the markets, but no political unity.

Migration and what comes after

The political challenge is nothing less than the whole reshaping political arena in the light of war, migration, gender and work-based society as full employment, all of which are not agreed upon and are tearing the EU apart. We agree on the basic European values, there is no dispute about them. But it is in matters, existential matters, in which we see things differently - listed the Prime Minister.

Let's look at migration: it is a real disintegrating factor. If there is a problem in Italy and elsewhere, it is a serious problem - but there are countries that have never let in migrants, they have no migrants, zero. These are two different situations, and it would not be good to exclude those countries that do not want to cooperate more closely, but the right to opt out should be ensured for those who do not want to participate in this, he listed.

The presenter argued with Orbán several times, saying that migration will be necessary in the future. In any case, he often interrupted the prime minister - the prime minister even poked him in the middle, saying that he hoped it was okay if he had to listen to opinions that differed from the mainstream.

"Who is to say whether migration is necessary? Who? Are you in Brussels? Why do we have to be forced to do this? Such decisions should be kept at the national level following national sovereignty"

- he threw the question back to the interviewer, emphasizing: there can be no joint decision on this.

If a country says that migration is too dangerous for it and that we don't want this new society because the risk is too high, why shouldn't it have the right to do so, he stated.

Who says and who makes the decision that you, as a country, have to admit migrants for economic reasons? This right belongs to the people and the elected leaders, not to imperial forces”.

Russians, war

I remember the war well, the war in Yugoslavia was during my first term. Here in the neighborhood, the situation was quite risky - recalled the Prime Minister and told what he learned about the peace missions.

If there is no communication between the warring parties, it is a big problem - there is no such thing with Russia now. A ceasefire, that would be the second, said Orbán – the first point is not the peace plan, but the ceasefire, the former is also important, but the correct order is this: communication and the ceasefire, then the negotiation of the peace plan.

That's why I went to Kiev, Moscow, Beijing and Washington

We need to understand what the chances are for peace.

Neither side wants peace, I experienced this in Kiev and Moscow, they think time is working for them, he recalled.

"That's why I went to Washington and Beijing to help create an international environment where the whole world wants to achieve a ceasefire as quickly as possible. To form a large circle of peace lovers in this way"

he added.

The Italian Cernobbio Forum (Forum di Cernobbio) is being organized for the fiftieth anniversary. September 6–8 27 countries will be represented at the international economic and geopolitical event on Lake Como, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will also speak, and after Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is expected to speak in the evening.

The Forum di Cernobbio basically takes place behind closed doors, most of the events of the forum organized by the think tank The European House - Ambrosetti (TEHA) are not open to the public. The speeches can be followed via live video transmission at this link .
