According to the parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, the attitude of the European Union is outrageous.

"The EU did not contribute significantly to the costs of border protection and did not undertake solidarity with Hungary, which protects its borders," emphasized Bence Rétvári, adding that Brussels owes Hungary about 2 billion euros, i.e. about 800 billion forints, because this is how much our country has spent on border protection since 2015.

For all these reasons, the government intends to take steps to enforce the demands due to costs related to border protection after involving international legal experts,

the executive decree to this effect was published in the Magyar Közlöny, said the parliamentary secretary of the Ministry of the Interior.

If the European Union forces Hungary to admit illegal immigrants, Hungary will offer the migrants free transport to Brussels after completing the European procedure, the state secretary said on Friday.

Bence Rétvári reminded that with the fence built on the southern border, Hungary protects not only its own borders, but also the external borders of Europe, and since 2015, Hungarian police and border guards have prevented one million illegal border crossing attempts.

However, the Court of Justice of the European Union imposed a "disproportionate, unjust" and "gigantic" fine on Hungary, with which they want to force the country to let in large numbers of illegal immigrants and to give up its current migration policy. Therefore, Hungary is now investigating how it could file a countersuit at the Court of Justice of the European Union for the reimbursement of costs related to border protection.

And if the European Union forces Hungary to let in illegal immigrants, Hungary will offer the migrants to transport them to Brussels for free after completing the European procedure.

– declared Bence Rétvári.

Bence Rétvári emphasized that the Hungarian migration policy has been operating since 2015, as opposed to the migration policy of the European Union. The basis of the Hungarian system is the protection of the external border: you can only enter the country legally, with documents, at the border crossing points, but of course there are also asylum rules that comply with international conventions, the state secretary said. Bence Rétvári stated that it is outrageous that the European Union does not recognize and financially compensate the activities of the Hungarians, but instead attacks them.

Bence Rétvári later presented the buses that transport migrants even to Brussels .


Featured image: MTI /