Gergő Bese responded to the accusations made by Valász Online 777blog , which is published below without changes:

"My dear relatives, friends, acquaintances

Yesterday was one of the darkest days of my life and that of my family. It is a difficult experience to face the power of the media and politics. It not only lifts you up and exalts you, but also sends you to hell in an instant. They use my weakness against my church and my community, they try to cause as much damage as possible.

I made a mistake. I was taken advantage of, my naivety was taken advantage of and I lost my sound judgement. I have sinned against the church and my community. I broke my priestly vow, I committed a sin. I apologize to everyone I hurt, everyone I disappointed.

I performed my priestly service and teaching work with the best knowledge and enormous energy I could. I am very grateful for the graces I have received, for the love of people and for the fact that in my profession I have brought many people closer to God and my Church.

Now with my suspension, this service ends. Thank you for reaching out to all those who offered their help and, of course, those who support me with their prayers.

In the coming weeks, I want to retire, calm down, practice penance, and rethink my life. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says to his disciples:

"Whoever wants to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. He who wants to save his life will lose it, but he who loses it for my sake will find it."

Thank you very much for everything!"

Gergő Bese

Angéla Füssy: Two pedophile priests were caught on the church's child protection alert system

Featured image: Árpád Földházi /