Viktor Orbán held an impromptu press conference in Kötcs.

On Saturday afternoon, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived in Kötcsé, the right-wing's traditional, private picnic, where he will also give a speech. The prime minister was greeted by protesters at the entrance, but he still held his impromptu press conference, at which he also spoke about healthcare and the economy.

"It's a shame, a disgrace that you don't talk to the voters," shouted one of the protesters to Viktor Orbán in Kötcs. The prime minister replied: "I'm trying!" . Some people threw paper money in the direction of the Prime Minister.

Left-wing journalists beckoned the hotshots to silence

Surprising scene in Kötcs: the left-wing journalists warned those hot-headed against Orbán to be quiet

“Would they wait for you to tell me? Sorry! Wait for him to say, please"

said the journalists to the hot-headed protesters. Balázs Orbán shared the video of the incident on social media.

Viktor Orbán stated in response to a journalist's question about the health care situation: there are eight thousand more doctors than in 2010, wages have been raised, and there are more and more air-conditioned rooms.

"Every year we make progress in health care, of course we have not reached the end of our work"

- said the prime minister, who would not contrast the purchase of the airport or Vodafone with the health care situation, for example, because the airport was a buyback of national wealth, and Vodafone was a historic step to become a large telecommunications company in Hungarian hands.

The Hungarian government's secretary of state responsible for healthcare is a former hospital director, do they want to train him in healthcare with thermometers? Are they joking?

asked Viktor Orbán at a later point in the press conference.

"Our most effective minister is responsible for transport"

Among other things, Viktor Orbán spoke at the impromptu press conference that

• Fidesz-KDNP received 45 percent in the European Parliament elections, making them the strongest political organization in Europe. Regarding the results of the Tisza Party, he stated that "there was an election, they received quite a lot of trust, I wish them much success" , and later on the same topic, he noted, "we got 45 percent in the election, the second thirty, where do I sign this for '26 ?”. When asked whether Ferenc Gyurcsány or Péter Magyar is the better opponent, the prime minister stated: it would be good if they could choose, but the voters will decide.

• He heard about the scandal of parish priest Gergő Bese, but "the affairs of clergymen belong to the churches, I also trust the leaders of my own church community, and I also trust the leaders of the Catholic Church to be able to resolve such situations."

• On the government's office purchases: "All rules must be followed, the rules apply to everyone."

• The peace mission is not over, they worked on it even in the summer, there will be more spectacular initiatives. In his peace plan, he described exactly what should have been done at the beginning of July, the European Union did not accept this, and the situation is worse now than it was then. Viktor Orbán sees that they did the right thing in the peace mission, that diplomatic actions must be carefully planned, and that it must be decided individually who should know what.

• On the state of MÁV and János Lázár: "Our most effective minister is responsible for transport, he achieved the biggest sensation of the last decade" . Viktor Orbán referred here to the national pass, then explained: "If you compare how many people used the railway before and after János Lázár, you will receive the certificate of your work".

"So how the hell wouldn't they be?"

Viktor Orbán revealed that he will talk about renewal in his speech in Kötcsi, "a new world economy has been created, we have to adapt to the new world economy" , Viktor Orbán is convinced that economic success can be brought about by economic neutrality.

Economic debates never end, there will always be debates, someone imagines a good economy in one way, another in a different way. My answer to whether the debate between the central bank and the government will end is that it is best if it doesn't even begin. There should be no dispute between the central bank and the government

Viktor Orbán underlined, hoping that this issue will be resolved after the end of the mandates.

Regarding economic neutrality, the Prime Minister emphasized that it is necessary to stay out of the war, not to be blocked, and to maintain good relations with the actors of the world economy, which is also shown by the volume of German, American and Chinese capital operating in Hungary. Regarding economic growth, Viktor Orbán stated that this year Hungarian growth is in the first third of the countries in Europe, but he will be satisfied when we are in first place.

In response to the question about EU resources, the Prime Minister stated:

We are talking about the fact that there are no EU funds, so how the hell wouldn't they be? We have 12 billion euros in our account, which is waiting to be included in the economy.

Viktor Orbán clarified that the situation is not that there is no money, it's just that they can't bring it in quickly enough, even if Hungary is one of the fastest users of funds. 12 billion euros means that we have no shortage of EU money.


Featured image: Viktor Orbán at a picnic in Kötcs on September 7, 2024. Photo: Bence Tövissi / Index