We are distorted into giant babies, we are addicted to everything, pleasure drugs, we live in a hedonistic culture. In a newspaper interview, psychology professor Emőke Bagdy also talked about what the truest happiness is for a woman and a man.
"We're running in a squirrel's wheel, we can't get out of it, we're completely trapped. The world of consumerism dictates, says to chase the money, because if there is no dual employment in a family, then you will remain hungry. But according to nature, it would be best if the mother could stay at home with her child during the delicate periods, but many mothers do not dare to give birth because they are afraid that they will fall out of the work routine, and they are also anxious because they do not know how they will get back to their place, and if he goes back, will he be able to shut himself up... He will be stuck in the existential grip. These are porous, material considerations, but they can decide destinies," explained Emőke Bagdy in an interview with
The psychology professor explained that the time of the birth of the first child is also crucial in terms of demographics, as "wonderful research" proves that if a woman gives birth before the age of thirty, she will give birth to more children. According to him, if a woman does not give birth, she will face a crisis at a certain point in her life, and then she will start running amok, suffer from psychosomatic illnesses or fall into depression.
"I'm not threatening anyone, these are facts"
- added Emőke Bagdy, according to whom we are "socialists", i.e. giants in the realm of emotionless intelligence and rationality, but dwarfs in our emotional life. He also spoke about the fact that the adult identity of young people these days is formed late, since the majority of them go through puberty early, but the years of reaching adulthood are terribly long.
"It used to start at the age of 10-12 and end at the age of 25, but nowadays it lasts until the age of 30-35. It is not the responsibility of the genes, we slip it. The hardware whistles at us, at the age of 25 it tells the woman that you will give birth to a gorgeous child, and at the age of thirty it warns her to be careful because time is passing! Above that, the fertility rate deteriorates year by year. Let's be smart"
explained the psychologist who advised: "Mom! Don't make your child a mom hotel, chase your child out into the world!"
We depend on everything
According to Emőke Bagdy, our whole culture is distorted, we are distorted into giant babies, we depend on everything, on recreational drugs, we live in a hedonistic culture.
Our whole culture has changed, and this new culture has started to liquidate our right hemisphere, even though it is our emotional side, the salt of life, because to love, to hold on, to be important to someone, to feel pity, mercy and help others, this is both the field of emotional and social intelligence. In our world today, the left hemisphere has become dominant, which makes people not feel pity, mercy, care about others, but work to get to the top, because then they will be god.
he pointed out.
Bagdy Emőke about the truest happiness
The psychology professor pointed out that in the last ten years, many great economic measures have been taken by the government to support childbearing, but these are economic and work-oriented. But according to him, if we approach the issue from here, we will go astray, because they only have a limited effect.
If we don't reshape society and mentality, it's no use raising the family allowance. There are a lot of benefits, and people live on them, but that's not the point
- he pointed out, adding that it is decided in our heads whether we want a family or children. "What does a materialistic, down-to-earth, egoistic person miseducated by consumer culture say to this? I'm going to give birth to a freaking child! "I" don't struggle, "I" won't change diapers, "I" won't spend the night, "I" want to live well, following the hedonistic ideal of happiness," suggested Emőke Bagdy, emphasizing that the truest happiness is when we are not ourselves , but we make someone else happy, and it reflects back on us that I gave to the world.
What is the most ancient joy in a woman's life? If she gives birth to a child, because then a woman's destiny, her exclusive destiny, is fulfilled. And what is the real joy in a man's life? When he takes his child in his arms, whom he gave birth to, and the "created man" experiences the miracle of his own life-giving, creative power
he noted.
Featured image: Tibor Vermes/Demokrata