We will rebuild the Miskolctapolca Cave Bath, the elected mayor of Miskolc, who will take office at the beginning of October, said on Saturday at a press conference held at the cave bath that caught fire on Friday.

The roof structure of the cave bath was completely burnt. József Tóth-Szántai (Pont Mi Egyesület–Fidesz-KDNP) said that during the reconstruction works, you have to think about how you can make the spa even more beautiful and better.

He stated that, in addition to insurance, he will apply for government assistance, because it is a question of lost tourism revenues and the people working there. The elected leader of the county seat of Borsod urged everyone to calm down and announced that the expert investigations are now on, and only then will they be able to determine the cause of the fire and the damage caused.

The fire investigator of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Disaster Management Directorate immediately began investigating the causes of the fire, reports Boon. According to the newspaper's information, the cause of the fire in the spa could be an electrical short, which could have been caused by an outdoor lamp on the terrace.

A firefighter puts out the burning roof structure of the medical center of the Miskolctapolca Cave Bath on September 6, 2024. (Photo: MTI/János Vajda) the burnt roof structure of its center on September 6, 2024. The approximately 800 square meter building caught fire on Friday evening, the roof structure was completely burnt. (Photo: MTI/János Vajda)

Pál Veres (Independent SZIVE-MSZP-Momentum-Párbeszéd-Jobbik-LMP-DK-Mindenki Magyarországa-Velunk a Város), the incumbent mayor of Miskolc, said that the firefighters are currently working on the scene. He recalled that 27 years ago, another iconic building of the city, the Plank Church, was destroyed in a fire. As he said, the unprecedented cooperation at that time was also evident now, because since Friday evening, the two mayors have received countless offers regarding the damage.

He added that an account number will be created next week, where anyone can send their donation. The city manager added that tourists can be accommodated in other spas in Miskolc and they are trying to accommodate those who already have reservations. Judit Németh, the managing director of Miskolci Fürdők Kft., informed me that they take care of the employees and ensure that jobs do not disappear through reorganization. In response to a journalist's question, he said that an electronic review was held in the building three weeks ago. He has not yet seen the official documentation on this, but the specialists found everything in order, he added.

The medical center of the Miskolctapolca Cave Bath burned with huge flames

The roof structure of the Miskolctapolca Cave Bath caught fire on Friday evening and was completely burnt down.

Rinyu Zsuzsanna, the deputy spokesperson of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Disaster Management Directorate, informed MTI that the fire brigade received the alarm after 8:30 in the evening that a fire broke out on the second floor of the aquatherapy section of the cave bath, which later spread to the roof structure.

According to his statement, the special features of the roof and the extreme heat made the vaccination difficult. Forty firefighters with ten vehicles took part in the works, in addition to those from Miskolc, firefighters came from Kazincbarcika, Tiszaújváros and Mezőcsát. The flames were extinguished after midnight and prevented from spreading to the nearby forest. There were no personal injuries.


Featured image: The burnt roof structure of the medical center of the Miskolctapolca Cave Bath on September 6, 2024. The approximately 800 square meter building caught fire on Friday evening, the roof structure was completely burnt. Photo: MTI/János Vajda