"Fuck you, you'll perish soon!" - our opposition compatriots and the leftist press painted a "wonderful" picture of themselves in Kötcs, congratulations.

An instructive scene took place before the picnic in Kötcs.

It turns out that there is no difference between the behavior of an anti-government journalist working for a foreign-funded newspaper and an extreme opposition protester. One of them seems to ask (actually claims or suggests something), the other gets involved in everything. But both are aggressive, clearly motivated by anger, and neither is interested in the answer of the government, in this case the prime minister.

When the "leftist" journalist can let off steam

Just take a look!

It's as if the anti-government journalists are venting and then unleashing their deep-seated hatred.

Teasing without a concept, malicious assumptions, neglecting facts and figures, and repeating what the opposition parties have to say - we have seen and heard this. It is no coincidence that in every second question, the renegade Péter Magyar was referred to or his heck campaign was mentioned.

It was even raised whether the Prime Minister is afraid of Péter Magyar or whether he would argue with him. But why?

Seriously, as if the Prime Minister was not surrounded by opposition journalists, but by a team from the TISZA Party event!

Scandalous behavior has become the trend on the left

Not to mention the pökhendi style! The telexed journalist-activist (who fell asleep one afternoon in the parliament) didn't even wait for Orbán to finish his sentence, repeatedly interrupting him with some provocative remark.

And the most blood-curdling thing was that 444.hu uploaded a video of the press conference, in the last seconds of which the protester (or journalist?) behind the camera was able to say that

rot, you perish soon!

Despite all this, Viktor Orbán patiently listened to everyone and gave real answers. He even corrected the fake news.

And at the end, he received the "one million dollar question" (or rather the accusation) that he only appeared in front of the press because he was afraid of the "pressure from Péter Magyar"... It is difficult to untangle the connection between the two statements! In any case, they received a kind of "Prime Minister's answer":

they were simply missing.

I mean the journalists. Less for us...

Do they want to train a former hospital director in healthcare? Are they joking?

But what was it about?

Although he was less interested in the foreign-funded anti-government press worker, Viktor Orbán's answers revealed three things.

First of all, it was clear that the Prime Minister is aware of the current internal political debates and sees the problems.

Viktor Orbán is aware of the urgent tasks to be done in the field of health, education and transport.

Second, we heard that the government also has a long-term strategy. Of course, this is hard to understand on the left.

Political sovereignty has a strong economic condition. True self-determination can only exist if there is room for maneuver. And the freedom of movement requires financial strength. It follows from these that a such

a new economic policy is needed, the heart of which is economic neutrality

said the prime minister

Not blocking, not supporting the sanctions policy, trading with everyone and establishing good economic cooperation.

And of course the peace mission must continue.

And thirdly, it also turned out that the prime minister was prepared for the political struggle to change: instead of the central power field, a dual period could emerge. In addition, Fidesz is in the government here, but on the international stage it is currently in opposition and is doing politics against serious headwinds.

In addition to the police, the opposition press will also be agitating.

We have to prepare for a hot autumn!
