The prime minister uploaded a video to his YouTube channel in which he talks about economic issues in Kötcs. Viktor Orbán emphasized that we must remain neutral in terms of economic policy as well.

Economic success in Hungary will be brought about by economic neutrality, the Prime Minister declared on Saturday in Kötcs, Somogy county. Viktor Orbán said: a new world economy has been created in the past period, it is necessary to adapt to it, and a new economic policy is needed. At the meeting in Kötcs, he talked about what this economic policy should be like. The "heart and essence" of this economic policy is economic neutrality, because he is convinced that economic success in Hungary will be brought about by economic neutrality, said Viktor Orbán.

Viktor Orbán summarized economic neutrality in five points:

  1. Funding neutrality
  2. Investment neutrality
  3. Market neutrality
  4. Technological neutrality
  5. Energy neutrality

Not to block, not to support sanctions policy and trade with everyone and establish good economic cooperation

he explained. He emphasized: it is necessary to try to maintain economic relations with everyone, for as long as possible, as deep as possible.

The economy should not be looked at through a political lens - emphasized the prime minister, repeating that the focus is on neutrality. He summarized how this can be achieved in five points. The first is funding neutrality. As he said, it is not possible to meet Hungary's credit needs only and exclusively from a single credit market. We are no longer in a debt-slave situation, but we are under constant financing pressure - he pointed out, adding that this means that Brussels and London are not enough for us.

We also need Qatar, Beijing and Tokyo

Viktor Orbán said.

We also need Hungarian voters who buy Hungarian government bonds.

The second is investment neutrality. He reminded that 25 billion euros were deposited by the Germans, and 9 billion by the Chinese and the Americans, followed by South Korea.

The third content element is market neutrality. It is nice that we produce for the European Union market, but it is worth exactly the same to us if, for example, China buys our products for the same amount.

This is not an ideology or a political issue

he added.

According to him, we should not forget about Central Asia, which is the world of the Turkic peoples. He reminded that we did not buy gas fields by chance: we have a state-owned gas field in Azerbaijan. In the same place, MOL has a Hungarian-owned oil field. He stated that these did not happen by chance, nor that when Ukraine stops the gas that came through them from Russia on the first of January, then we will be able to supply our country from the pipelines built in the meantime through Turkey.

The fourth element is technological neutrality:

I don't care who it is, just be the best!

- indicated the Prime Minister.

We are not willing to use Western communication technology just because it is Western, if Chinese is better. But if the American one is better, we will use it, he stated.

The last, fifth point is energy neutrality. Origo summarized .

Photo: Viktor Orbán's Facebook page