We learned from Péter Magyar's post that he found the key to action against illegal migration, and then immediately refuted it.

We read that in the first round he shares the same views as the Hungarian government, which has been consistently protecting the Hungarian border and the security of the Hungarian people for years. Then, refuting himself with a hussar cut, he sets the "law-abiding behavior" of the EU member states as an example to be practically followed. Slusspoen indicates that we could have avoided the fines this way.

We expect the leader of the TISZA Party to finally be honest about a matter, not to hedge or obfuscate. He cuts the "Gordian knot" he has created in two, explains how he will deal with his border protection proposals as a henchman of the pro-migrant Manfred Weber in the European Parliament.

Enough of the double talk!

Don't delay, get your butt!

Management of CÖF-CÖKA

Cover photo: Manfred Weber and Péter Magyar (Photo: Miklós Teknős / Magyar Nemzet)

Péter Magyar would let the migrants in, or not, but Orbán would pay