It was characteristic of the Kádár system that changes in the government could be characterized at that time as "good birds" taking off and then flying to another branch of their planted tree. Nothing new under the sun! Right? - writes László Csizmadia, chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees, in his blog post.

Thanks to the European Union parliament, the management of the institution was appointed with similar swindles. Therefore, the number of people who were embedded in leadership statuses in the previous cycle has not changed at all. There was a knife-wielding scam of voters. Expired leaders have taken advantage of the trust of those connected to their parties, and while promising change, they are bringing their old form again. These elites who abuse their power freely sell the future of Europe.

Change in the Western world cannot be held back by the vanguard of the globalists.

There are few people for this, because the citizens of the countries allied in the Union have definitively recognized their Sanda intentions. They realized that stoking the fire of the Russian-Ukrainian war is in their economic interest, as is politically illegal immigration, with which they serve to stay in "perpetual" power.

The dog is buried here! The freedom of the electorate cannot be bought by distraction and the offer of freedom.

To put it succinctly

we civilians don't need a circus, we need bread and a secure future.

With Viktor Orbán at the head, our government is looking for a cure for Europe's almost cancerous disease. The war, which prepared the European people spiritually and economically, must be ended immediately! NATO should be assigned to prevent illegal immigration, whose duty it is to protect Europe's borders in the event of an attack. Violent conquest is not a path! The territory of Europe, including the culture of its peoples, is inviolable. Anyone who denies all this is committing treason.

The union of our sovereign states cannot be destroyed by the violent imposition of any globalist ideology on us. This is also true for Europe's sovereignty.

With Europe's role as a great power, we can direct such efforts to peaceful fields. Acceptance of the voters' patriotic view is a natural phenomenon. It is a healthy, humane and civil aspiration, but at the same time a defensive attitude that should never be about conquests.

It is also true that as civil citizens it is customary to sweep around our house first. We can't throw the child out with the sink, but we can't bathe him in stagnant, dirty water either.

The clear spring broke to the surface. The third largest faction of the European Parliament can restore the balance in the competition between politics and the economy in a peaceful way, with the tools and fighting spirit of the spiritual patriots. There has been such a period when the daily life of our societies flourished on our meadows (we are referring to the time of Chancellor Helmut Kohl).

The debate over the primacy of the role of politics and the economy is in constant motion. In fact, both play an important role. If we do not synchronize the tasks of politics and the economy, we will reach a dead end. This is where Europe's economy and the future of its societies stand. It can bring a quick change if representatives of the national interest of the Italians, Germans, Spaniards, and Poles realize that the right way is to switch to the Patriots for Europe faction. This moment would pave the way for the reform of the European Union. Perhaps it is not an exaggeration that it is the key to change!

You don't have to fight an armed war to make a decision. With militant intellectual patriots, we can air out the stale, worn-out air of the European Union in the blink of an eye.

Let's tell the Patriots for Europe faction that we are fully behind them! They stand at the gate of victory and with their actions they enforce the majority will of the population of our continent.

We can ensure the well-being of European citizens by standing on the ground of political peace, with an armed force capable of independent defense and with economic cooperation open to all regions. By exploiting the common economic interests of America, Asia, and Europe, we have the opportunity to keep the population of the Middle East and Africa in place. By adding a "net" to catch fish with solidarity, we can give strength to peaceful development.

László Csizmadia
is the chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees
