Maybe the head of the Tisza party had a strong night, because even compared to himself, he writes back and forth in his Facebook post. But maybe the artificial unintelligence is writing instead.

Judit Varga exe rejects the entry of illegal migrants into the territory of the European Union, agrees with the maintenance of the southern border fence and considers it necessary, but in her opinion, this can only be solved with legislation in line with European Union law. "If the Orbán government is unable or unwilling to do this, it will have to accept political and financial consequences for the resulting EU fine of one hundred billion," he writes. Ordas emphasizes in his slide that this applies to other member states, but not to us.

"- The TISZA Party, like all sane Hungarian and European political communities, rejects the entry of illegal migrants into the territory of the European Union.

Entering a country's territory illegally is not a basic human right. Every state has the right and duty to protect its borders. Protecting the external borders of the Schengen area is a key responsibility.

The TISZA Party agrees with the maintenance of the southern border fence and we consider it necessary for the European Commission to contribute to the costs of the construction.

At the same time, we also consider it important that the Hungarian Parliament, similarly to other member states, resolves border protection with legislation in line with European Union law. If the Orbán government is unable or unwilling to do so, it will have to accept political and financial consequences for the resulting EU fine of one hundred billion.

How is it that other member states manage to protect their borders with legislation in line with EU law without EU fines, but Orbán's can't? Who will pay the hundred billion fine, Prime Minister? Will this huge amount have to be taken from the health or education budget?" - wrote Magyar .

No, it won't work, dear Peter! If you let them in, you must also register them according to EU law. If you have registered them, you will keep them, because even if they move to richer western countries, they will be deported from there back to the place of registration. Your speech is still nonsense, you want to satisfy both the nationalistic voting base, which regularly brings two-thirds together, and the globalist left at the same time. This shit won't last long. Sooner or later, the hundreds of thousands of lonely housewives who voted for you will also see through the "Tisza".

delegated an extreme pro-migration representative to the EP in the person of Gabriella Gerzsenyi . The former Brussels official explained his radical views in a 2022 Facebook post: “Brussels is a diverse city, there are many immigrants, but I have never felt more dangerous than any of the many big cities I have visited in my life. (…) I accept blacks, Jews and gays as equals. I have friends among them. Maybe it's left-wing".

It is worth recalling that Brussels has been using the issue of migration as a political weapon against our country for many years. Since the migration crisis of 2015, the various EU bodies have been continuously criticizing the anti-immigration policy of the Hungarian government, especially the construction of the southern border fence, in collaboration with György Soros' pseudo-civil rights protection organizations.

The European Commission also initiated proceedings against our country, as it believed that Hungary had violated EU directives, among other things, by stipulating that applications for the right of asylum can only be submitted in transit zones, and that decisions on applications should always be made at these points. At the end of the procedure, a verdict was handed down according to the taste of the committee, after the European Court of Justice ruled in 2020 that we did not respect the rules of EU law, including in the area of ​​procedures for granting international protection and the return of illegally staying third-country nationals, and ordered the abolition of transit zones. In addition to the fact that the Hungarian government did this even earlier, it is also strange that for some time now Brussels has been urging the creation of facilities similar to the transit zone.

In light of this, it is even more strange that in June of this year, the European Court of Justice imposed a penalty of 200 million euros on Hungary for an "unprecedented and exceptionally serious breach of EU law" in the matter of migration, accompanied by a so-called coercive fine of one million per day. The government refused to pay the fine, since we spent about ten times this amount to protect our southern border since the fall of 2015. The EU did not contribute to the costs, even though the border fence protects the territory of the entire union from illegal migrants, notes Magyar Nemzet.

CÖF-CÖKA: Enough of Péter Magyar's double talk!

Photo: Péter Magyar Facebook