The president of the Democratic Coalition vilified Péter Magyar in a Facebook post, calling the president of the Tisza Party to account, who allegedly made the former prime minister drink alcohol. Gyurcsány asked himself if he was an alcoholic, and then declared that he would challenge the president of the Tisza Party to a duel if he had the opportunity.

In a context of sentences thought to be witty, in a packaging thought to be cheeky, in one way or another it publicly shows me that I am an alcoholic

- said Gyurcsány, who would like to challenge Magyar to a duel, but since this is not possible, he will remain in oral karate.

The president of the DK explained that, in his opinion, if a public figure has an alcohol problem, it is right for the country to know about it, but he has only drunk twice this year.

Peter, you are doing something vile and dirty. In fact, what he learned in Fidesz. Maybe from Rogán. How rubbish is it that you pour lying dirt on your political rival instead of fighting him fair and square? Is the solution to smear whoever opposes you? Would this be the new Hungarian future you recommend? Let's take it personally!

- said the president of the DK, and then called Péter Magyar a lousy person.

Shit people can't make a good country, so if a Hungarian wants to lead this country one day, this is not the right attitude towards things

- the fallen prime minister concluded his explanation, which was watched by the Hungarian nation .

Cover image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák