Instead of the past, the stake may be to win the future - stated Prime Minister Kötcsén, which according to analysts refers to the situation that arose with the appearance of the Tisza Party. Zoltán Kiszelly, the political analysis director of Századvég, also explained whether it is necessary to prepare for a new, two-fold geometry.

- We don't yet know how the party system will develop: the next election will be in a year and a half, and now the Tisza Party has to prove it, they have to remain around 30 percent among the sure voters. If they succeed in this, they will believe that they can win on their own , and they don't have to team up with Ferenc Gyurcsány. But if they stand at 10 or 15 percent by the end of 2025, no one will believe that they can win alone, and then

Like Péter Márki-Zay and Gordon Bajnai, Péter Magyar will be forced to join the opposition coalition.

And keeping the voting base together is not an easy task: now this is still a new thing, and we have seen that it is more energetic compared to the old dollar left - but then it will turn out that if they have to vote for Ursula von der Leyen and the people of the dollar left will also appear. The European People's Party is pro-war, and if this conflict lasts until 2026, the People's Party will support the war. So we cannot know whether the support they are enjoying now will last until the elections, said Zoltán Kiszelly.

Cover photo: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs