Viktor Orbán presented the plan of the competitiveness pact developed by the Hungarian EU presidency.

European competitiveness is in serious decline; if we do not make certain decisions, the competitiveness of the EU vis-à-vis the United States and China will decline unstoppably, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on Thursday in Budapest after talks with Luxembourg Prime Minister Luc Frieden.

Viktor Orbán said that he and Luc Frieden, who came to Budapest on the occasion of the centenary of diplomatic contact between the two countries, reviewed the situation of the EU, agreeing with the diagnosis of the Draghi report, according to which European competitiveness is seriously declining.

The situation is urgent - he emphasized, emphasizing that both Hungary and Luxembourg are interested in strengthening competitiveness.

Viktor Orbán presented the plan of the competitiveness pact developed by the Hungarian EU presidency, which he wants to discuss and have accepted by all EU countries in November.

The two heads of government also agreed on the necessity of expanding the EU to the Western Balkans, he said.

According to Viktor Orbán, Africa was also discussed in connection with migration and competitiveness at the meeting, and his colleague from Luxembourg shared his opinion on the need to develop a joint EU plan for Africa.

The Hungarian presidency's plan is for Europe to urgently prepare a big plan for Africa, otherwise only trouble will come from Africa, even though it could also bring economic benefits, he noted.

Hungary chose the few African countries with which it can provide serious assistance through deep cooperation, not while waiting for the EU, but on a bilateral basis, he reminded.

Viktor Orbán added that Luc Frieden also shares his opinion that, in addition to such individual attempts, a large plan for Africa is needed.

Luc Frieden said that Hungary not only maintains long diplomatic relations with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, but also the successive president of the EU, but the reason for his visit to Budapest was to continue the dialogue. He confirmed that he agrees with the position of the Hungarian presidency: Europe's competitiveness must be prioritized.

The single market must be deepened, private and public resources must be used for the digitization of European economies, the European defense industry must be created, and agricultural producers must be protected, while over-regulation must be avoided, he explained his ideas.

He stated: they support the Hungarian presidency in economic matters.

He spoke of migration as a complex problem for which, in his opinion, there are no simple solutions applicable to all countries. He added that Luxembourg stands by the asylum and migration pact, but considers further steps necessary for harmonious social coexistence.

The head of the Luxembourg government called Hungarian regional experiences important in connection with the war in Ukraine, and referring to the enlargement of the EU, he emphasized that a European perspective must be provided to the Western Balkans, but a merit-based approach is also important.

Praising the Schengen system, he highlighted the need to strengthen the cooperation of police agencies between member countries, and the protection of the external border should be organized in such a way that one can live happily within the EU. This must be worked on constructively within Europe and in cooperation with the rest of the world, including Africa, said Luc Frieden.