Let's pray! Lord, let the majority of Americans not lose their minds! Let a potential mass murderer who lied to a Democrat not become the next president of the USA! Because then the world will end. Written by György Tóth Jr.

Kamala Harris published her schedule a day before the presidential debate with Donald Trump. The program that contains all the aspirations that we reject, but which neatly lays the foundation for the destruction of American democracy, the death of normality. And if democracy suffers overseas, it will soon and decisively be slaughtered in Europe as well.

Of course, the process has been going on for some time on the old continent and the massacre seems to be spreading.

When Tusk and his gang came to power in Poland, it also started in the eastern ends, starting with a harsh attack on press freedom, continuing with the imprisonment of political opponents, and ending with the "protection" of LGBTQ organizations (i.e., according to a bill, it would be possible to impose a prison sentence of three to five years on those who who would criticize the LGBTQ community or its members as "hate speech".

Now here is the latest "progression", bypassing the law and trying to pass abortion that can be performed up to the moment of birth.

According to the draft, "the opinion of a single doctor is sufficient for termination of pregnancy, and that doctor can be, for example, a psychiatrist." Someone who, say, determines that the expectant mother is depressed.

Well, let's take a budding life! But why a psychiatrist? Why shouldn't the announcement of "new mom" be enough? Or a dentist's paper that it is a miscarriage: the condition of the patient's teeth has deteriorated as a result of the pregnancy, it is not the bad tooth that needs to be removed, but the fetus.

One of the points of Kamala Harris's program was therefore adopted by the liberal Bolshevik Polish government without any request or persuasion, since the main goal of the pseudo-democratic woman is to make "abortion" that can be performed until birth mandatory nationally - that is, if the woman wants it. In other words, it would legalize infanticide.

Whether you like it or not, if the new life has already developed in the mother's womb, taking it away is not abortion, but infanticide.

According to LifeNews.com, this very undemocratic lady would force Christian businesses to participate in anti-biblical abortion and LGBT events. Come on, would there also be a mandatory celebration on November 7th in the USA, but not on the occasion of the Great October Revolution, but on the occasion of the holiday of aberration?

Quote from LifeNews.com:

“Equality for the LGBTQ movement, bankruptcy for Christian businesses: The cornerstone of Harris' LGBTQ policy, which he touts as advancing 'civil rights,' would prevent Christian businessmen from living out their faith in the private sector and economically impoverish believers. After noting that as California attorney general in 2004 he illegally enforced same-sex marriage and "refused to defend" the marriage amendment democratically passed by California voters, Harris promises to "put into law anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQI+ Americans in health care, housing, education and other fields«. The so-called Equality Act would add sexual preference and, in some versions, gender identity to the landmark civil rights law aimed at protecting racial minorities and women from discrimination. By giving homosexuality and transgenderism the same legal status as race and religion, the Equality Act could force Christian doctors to perform sex reassignment surgeries and oblige Christian business owners to engage in services that offend their religious beliefs - or abandon their business.”

Kamala would also grant amnesty to everyone who is in the United States illegally - that is, he would give free rein to, among others, terrorists and criminals who are already present in excessive numbers.

It's a small thing (for us), but it's important for Americans that it would take away the right of citizens to bear arms, that is, it would abolish the so-called Second Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees the right to self-defense.

Of course, viewed from Europe, this right also contains dangers, but we know that the source of danger is not the weapon, but its user, and those who want to kill can also obtain weapons illegally. Not only in the USA, but also in Europe, since the perpetrators do not buy the supplies for armed assassinations, explosions, and terrorist attacks in stores.

Let's pray, pray, and pray that we don't have a Kamala Harris presidency.

When we pray the Nicene Creed—more popularly, the Creed—we know that the Savior "will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end."

If the pseudo-democratic dictator Kamala Harris were to come, we can know in advance: the real democracy and its country will also be over. And with it, perhaps for Europe as well.

Save me, Lord, from the Evil One!

Cover image: Kamala Harris
Source: X/Kamala Harris