Even last year, the influential chairman of the Tisza party pocketed serious millions as a board member of two state companies.

Now, however, he sharply criticizes the traffic situation, for which he was also responsible in his recently held positions.

His total income at Volánbusz and Magyar Közút Zrt. was almost HUF 13 million.

Recently, Péter Magyar has been vehemently criticizing the state of domestic public transport, even though he recently held well-paying positions at two state-owned companies operating in the field. earned a total income of HUF 12,831,313 as a board member of Volánbusz and Magyar Közút Zrt. Magyar Nemzet previously reported that Magyar received a monthly salary of 1.16 million as a Volánbusz board member after joining the company's board in April 2023. When he entered the scene as a politician, he announced in the spring of 2024 that he would resign from his position at Volánbusz, however, according to publicly available company documents, he was no longer a board member on December 1, 2023.

so he was fired before he "resigned".

Péter Magyar joined the board of Magyar Közút Zrt. in August 2022, where he received a monthly salary of HUF 1.33 million. Interestingly, he did not publicly criticize the state of Hungarian transport during this period - that is, when he was also responsible for it.

At the end of August this year, the president of the Tisza Party saw the time had come to attack the government on his social media account for the state of the MÁV, in a letter addressed to the Minister of Construction and Transport János Lázár. The head of the ministry did not wait long, he responded to Magyar's criticisms in bullet points between the comments, and at the same time invited his former subordinate to a personal meeting to provide detailed information on the planned measures.

Responding to the suggestions of journalists at the meeting in Kötcs, Fidesz-KDNP communications director Tamás Menczer corrected Magyar, saying that "now he plows the transport, although he was previously involved in all kinds of directorates, and he never had any meaningful work or suggestions".

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Tisza Party / Facebook