Bird rescues are receiving more and more calls and reports about swallows.

The migrating swallow armies are behaving strangely, writes the Mályi Bird Rescue Station .

Bird rescues are receiving more and more calls and reports about swallows. In recent days, the mass appearance of swallows has been observed in many parts of the country. In rainy and cold weather, they try to find a dry shelter in groups, even hundreds of swallows can appear on terraces, on the walls of houses, on ledges.

What should we not do for the swallows?

Don't go to them, don't bother them. In such cases, they warm each other by huddling under the shelter and reserve their energy. If we disturb them, they fly out again and again in the rain, losing more and more energy.

Do not try to feed them bread or seeds. Swallows are insectivores, so they will not eat these foods, but we can disturb their rest again by doing this.

How can we help the birds?

If they managed to settle in a protected place, let them rest. If they can't go on a trip because of the rain that lasts for days, you can put a live mealworm in a flat, wide bowl for them.

If you find a wet swallow on the ground, or if it is visibly in poor condition, pick it up and bring it into the house in a shoebox lined with paper towels. If the swallow trembles, squirms, or falls over, we can put a warm water bottle in the box next to the swallow.

If it is very justified, you can also dry and reheat it carefully with a hair dryer while holding it in your hand. It is important that the swallow is in our hands during this time. If the bird is wet, you can carefully wipe it with a kitchen paper towel, taking care of its feathers.

Always ask for help and advice from a rescue organization!

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