The pro-American Polish foreign minister would have no problem using Ukrainian men as cannon fodder. What is the refugee right for him, a trivial Geneva convention, nothing is too expensive for the holy war, especially the lives of others. It is interesting that no progressive has such an idea about Muslim migrants.

Ukrainszka Pravda writes that Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has called on Western European countries to review aid to Ukrainian men in order to encourage them to return home. In Hungarian, this is how the Polish politician would force Ukrainian men to the front.

He added in diplomatic language:

The current policies of many EU countries harm Ukraine's defense capability and economic stability,

 as it provides economic benefits to men of mobilizing age."

The minister cited the example of Germany: "In Germany, Ukrainians under temporary protection there receive significant support, payments for refugees exceed 500 euros, and including housing compensation can be more than 1,000 euros per person per month. There is something like that in the Netherlands, I don't know for sure what the amount is in France," he said.

There is a simple way to help Ukraine: stop giving aid to Ukrainians undergoing mobilization.

Avoiding the waiting list is not a reason for financial support. Just stop the support," emphasized the Polish minister, adding that Poland does not provide such social benefits.

Radoslaw Sikorski with this trick

in essence, it would send people to die on the front who do not want to die on the front

neither for the interests of others nor for this Ukraine.

Featured image: MTI/EPA/Ukraine Presidential Press Service