According to the die-cast messiah, the EU is right to punish our country in the migrant issue, he says, and then freaks out if he smells an asylum seeker somewhere. Written by Francesca Rivafinoli.

Péter Magyar would not have violated the freedom rights of the Ahmeds at all.

flashed a parade of doublespeak , let me summarize: the TISZA Party "similar to all sane Hungarian and European political communities, rejects the entry of illegal migrants into the territory of the European Union", and considers the maintenance of the border fence necessary - at the same time, it firmly states that

the government must bear the "political and financial consequences"

for the hundred billion fine imposed by the relevant judgment of the European Court, since "other member states manage to protect their borders with legislation in line with EU law, without EU fines",

only not for the Zorbáns.

You really have to admit when something is good, and this is it: every segment of the spectrum can hear what they want from the poem; and whoever happens to not find something to their liking in it, can exclaim even more triumphantly, saying: I know that he is posting this again just to make a few leadable Fidesz members dizzy, but there is no reason to be afraid, he certainly doesn't think like that!

The problems start when we touch this shiny surface, which is always precisely adjusted and photographed from the right angle.

After all, if Péter Magyar finds the judgment of the European Court of Justice to be completely justified, and thus specifically that Hungary should pay a lump sum of 200 million euros (i.e. 79 billion forints) and an additional one million euros per day (i.e. 144 billion forints per year) as punishment, for example, because it was rejected asylum seekers cannot remain on appeal in the country and therefore in the EU, properly accommodated and roaming freely (in line with EU values) - then it would be necessary to say exactly which countries do this better, and

what kind of method is it that the TISZA leader would adopt if he could.

What does it look like when the borders are also successfully protected, the dubious elements are also kept out, and in the meantime there is not an Ahmed whose freedoms are even tangentially violated.

The question is agonizing if only because, less than 48 hours after the fascinating theoretical explanation, in another post (which was probably illustrated by the photo editor of Nyugati Fény, it was so nice to juxtapose the TISZA president, adjusted to shape in the studio, and the screenshot taken from a statement, just he's open-mouthed, since he's a talking head of government), so not quite 48 hours later

Péter Magyar angrily asks (putting László Toroczkai over the phone) what kind of "migrant camp" the "once well-known school" in Vitnyéd külse is being transformed into.

By the way, the dairy school was merged by the operator with a vocational school in Fertőd in 2009 - until now Ukrainian refugees lived in the vacant complex, but now the TISZA leader suddenly fears that the properties in the area will lose value.

It's okay until now, according to the new favorite of the Momentum voters, wherever an asylum seeker sets foot, the quality of life automatically drops in a radius of at least five kilometers; and it's okay to

At the level of words, Manfred Weber would not even allow aliens to be placed in a remote, closed major, while pointing pointedly at the more accepting countries -

but then how should the EU's expectations be met in practice, bearing in mind the solidarity expected by the pro-quota European People's Party and the very fine judgment of the European Court of Justice? Would Péter Magyar take home the regular visitors to Kútvölgyi út? Or should we redeem the EU's "solidarity" obligations from the contributions of the platinum level regime change subscribers?

Eurostat data, in 2023 in Slovenia, among others, 5,745 Moroccans and 410 Algerians applied for asylum, in the Czech Republic, which is even more surrounded by EU member states, among others, 185 Turks; In Romania, there are 2,800 Bangladeshis and 1,875 Syrians, but also 860 from Nepal; In Slovakia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Morocco and Afghanistan are also on the top list as countries from which Bratislava or Kassa proved to be the first possible point for seeking asylum; similarly, 90 Burundian citizens were also sent to Croatia -

only Hungary has a gap in the table. Ten Russians, five Azerbaijanis and ten other asylum seekers, nothing more.

Based on this, can we say, together with Péter Magyar, that other, more "law-abiding" member states (in addition to accepting guest workers at the same time) are at least as effective in keeping out migrants who are probably not eligible for asylum, and mostly illegal, as Hungary, or can we not say?

With special regard to the other data line, which shows how many asylum applications were withdrawn by implicit, i.e. simple absorption, in which countries. So he goes to the Egyptian ipse Warsaw, registers himself as a potential persecuted person, and then disappears with that momentum. Maybe he forgets to learn the vowels of the instrumental case and practice the phonetic difference between ź and rz so much that he doesn't have time to participate in the official procedure, who knows.

From this kind of absorption, 1,970 cases occurred in Poland in 2023 alone, more than 30,000 in Austria, 2,265 in Slovenia, around 3-4,000 in Romania,

but even in Iceland it is 40, which is really art there. Nearly 103,000 registered and then submerged asylum seekers across the EU in a single year -

Zero in Hungary. In what sense would Péter Magyar change this so that we finally become Euro-compliant?

Certain Issa al-H. for example, he entered the territory of the EU in Bulgaria, then left for Germany without a word on Christmas 2022, from where they wanted to send him back to Bulgaria in accordance with the Dublin rules in June 2023, but unfortunately he could not be found at his accommodation at the specified time. It is not surprising, since the German Ministry of the Interior, co-financed by the European Union, even maintains a website in nine languages, which informs those concerned in detail about the various methods of avoiding deportation and return (and which, by the way, lists in detail what cross-examinations can be expected in the asylum procedure, another link also provided to the pro-immigration lobby organization Pro Asyl to teach them the correct answers).

Issa al-H. so he was not at the disposal of the staff of the immigration police while enjoying his freedoms,

and no one bothered him in the following six months - according to the law, after half a year, the state of residence becomes competent in the migrant's case, if the person is found. And whoops! a few days after the end of the six months, Issa al-H. "through his lawyer" - as if by magic - he also contacted the German asylum office, which, having become competent, already granted him supplementary protection, as is customary there.

It seems that both Bulgaria and Germany have fully complied with all legislation, they have painstakingly ensured that all possible rights of the Syrian man are fully enforced,

Issa al-H. he also paid close attention to the deadlines - so that in August 2024 he killed three celebrants and injured eight at the Diversity Festival in Solingen.

If we look for the beautiful "had to/could have been deported" (hätte abgeschoben werden müssen/sollen/können), we will see an Algerian Abdelkader, rejected in France and Switzerland, did not go home, but to Germany, where he was subjected to a particularly serious rape away; among the hits will be Ibrahim, the railway knifeman, Mansor, the ten-time relapser, Mohammad, the hostage-taker who registered in the Czech Republic and then went straight to Cologne; but the list will include a convicted robber-murderer in Chechnya and many others whose asylum applications are presented

they did not have to suffer restrictions and excesses similar to those in Hungary in other, more fragrant legal states.

"How is it that other member states manage to protect their borders with legislation consistent with EU law and without EU fines?" - asks Péter Magyar after all this.

Like this.

In retrospect, the relatives of Solingen would probably have preferred to spend the appropriate part of the EU fine if Bulgaria (in the midst of the deportations it (also) carried out with impunity) Issza al-H. even with his illegal detention, he would have insisted on the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, namely the precautionary guarantee of the right to life and personal integrity.


Featured image: Péter Magyar / Facebook