Let's shop where we can get the best prices with the same quality and better service, and in difficult economic situations we can experience an attitude of solidarity, says László Csizmadia, chairman of the board of trustees of the Civil Solidarity Forum - Civil Solidarity Foundation, in his announcement on Monday.

The Hungarian food retail chains understood, despite SPAR's encouragement, that beating inflation is in the common interest of all members of our society. SPAR did not do so, it denounced the Hungarian government for introducing the price cap.

With this, he proved that he ignores the interests of poorer customers, and even uses a good part of his regular customers for pumping.

Considering that other supermarket chains refrained from a similar solution, SPAR's appeal to the Brussels court means that it did not care about the livelihood problems of the Hungarian people, nor does it want to moderate its economic appetite.

The likely majority of food buyers rejects this behavior.

It is also clear in professional circles that the appearance in Hungary was an excellent investment for the owners of SPAR Hungary. It still is today, because they continue their investments.

The management of SPAR seemed to be trying to hide from its owners that its knowledge was inferior to that of its competitors.

According to the dream book, starting the caring state is not forward-looking either. They forgot that their employees are also Hungarian people who provide for their families. When they leave their workplace, they become customers, so the forints in their wallets must be well spent. Their salaries at SPAR certainly prove the above statement.

The predatory privatization resulted in easy prey on the Hungarian market. The goods purchased from abroad destroyed the Hungarian food industry in a short time. There would be something to repay for that alone.

The strange behavior of SPAR, that it needs property protection and therefore places its assets in foreign hands, is highly questionable. To the best of our knowledge, they did not face forcible nationalization.

At the moment, it can once again be assumed that some food wholesale and retail companies have started brutally increasing the price of basic food.

In this way, SPAR can also ensure that its purchases of goods are already examined by the competent authorities in terms of pricing at the sales partners. We can be curious as to what kind of discounts they receive as reimbursement, for example for advertising, or on a quantity basis, which, however, they enforce in their purchase prices. Therefore, these amounts may even go directly to the parent company. SPAR Hungary's price calculations can even start from higher purchase prices.

The formation of SPAR's wholesale prices in Hungary can result in a weighted margin, so the profit margins enforced in retail make the company's overall margin level less transparent for the audit.

The potentially unreasonable magnitude of maintenance costs can also distort profits. A comparison of the purchase prices of local SPARs validated in the mother country with those in Hungary deserves attention.

It is difficult for our civil society to understand the lamentations of SPAR Hungary, but the competitors on the Hungarian market can show direction in order to orient the customers.

Let's buy where we can get the best prices with the same quality and better service, and in difficult economic situations we can experience an attitude of solidarity.

Let the God of giving be like the God of receiving!

László Csizmadia,
chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees

Cover image source: Spar Group