The civilians turned to the public with a cry for help.

The people living on the Római coast are once again preparing for a huge fight to protect their homes. The president of the Association for the Római Partért organization said that they hope that the price wave will be much smaller than expected.

Under István Tarlós, we received sacks, clay and volunteers, and now nothing - said Antal Győző Búzás, president of the Association for the Római Partért organization, before the upcoming wave of prices.

Now we have to organize everything ourselves, at our own expense - emphasized Búzás, and then added that if a flood similar to the one in 2013 reaches Budapest, the water may even break into their houses.

The people living on the Római coast have now bought 200 cubic meters of clay at their own expense, with which they will try to stop the flood that threatens their homes.

We also kept the record flood of 2013, we were the only ones on the right bank of the Danube who were not swept away by the water - added the president of the association, who said that they have a written statement from the state secretary of water affairs that the King's Road is located on Nánási út defensive structure is not considered a main defensive structure, as pieces have been cut out of it in several places over the decades.

The capital and the district government do not protect us, despite the fact that it is their duty - stated Győző Búzás, and then added that, thanks to the cooperation of the residents, they will start preparations for defense on Monday. As part of this, even before the closure of Kings Road and Nánási Road, clay and sand are piled up in the street, and volunteers are recruited to protect their homes.

People living on the Római coast should start protecting themselves at a water level of 700 centimeters, because that's when the Danube floods the promenade.

According to meteorological forecasts, an extremely large amount of precipitation - around 50-220 millimeters - is to be expected in Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the coming days, which will cause the water level of the Danube, Mura, Lajta and Rába to rise rapidly and significantly, even the water level exceeding the level of preparedness level three may also develop in a few days.

According to the latest forecasts, the water level of the Danube near Budapest will rise by one meter per day from Monday, therefore, according to the mayor's office on Saturday, the level of flood protection preparedness in the capital will rise to degree three from Monday.

At such a water level, defenses become much more intense, which is why preparedness will be raised to the highest possible level on Monday, September 16, from zero o'clock on all sections of Budapest. Gergely Karácsony announced on Friday that he had ordered a second level of preparedness, after the water level of the Danube rose significantly in Budapest due to the brutal Austrian rains of the past few days.

Based on current data, the Danube is expected to peak this week, with a water level exceeding eight meters

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (b) inspects the flood protection preparations made necessary due to the rains in Budapest, on the Római coast, on September 15, 2024
Source: MTI/Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher