You don't have to be a philosopher to notice that this age is slowly dying. Written by Katalin Kondor.

The world is torn apart. I couldn't say exactly how many parts. Just like I don't know if it can still be put together. After all, reading the daily news is equivalent to one - or more - crime novels. With a crappy crime novel.

If we only quote from the "harvest" of the last few days, leaving out the also abnormal games of Hungarian domestic politics, even the dregs of a single day bring us events that remind us of the beginning of a kind of world chaos.

Angela Merkel's policy of pampering migrants, for example, has led to the fact that the Germans are now forced to tighten the guarding of their borders, and their plan - strictly in the name of democracy - is resented by the prime minister of some neighboring countries, such as Poland, which is becoming more and more deceitful. Others - rightly - feel that the stability of Europe is threatened, but they are unable to take normal measures to preserve stability.

And meanwhile the world keeps falling apart. To pieces.

As for economic life, we hear more and more about the stagnation of certain industries. Just as the drastic deterioration of crime statistics is an everyday topic, although we hardly hear about effective measures from the leaders of the educated and so proud of themselves European Union.

Among whom quite a few are proven pro-war, whatever that means, it does not mean good anyway.

And then we didn't even talk about such "little things" that the people living in the southwestern part of Europe, Spaniards, Italians, and Portuguese, have to deal with an army of migrants emerging from the sea, and in this, according to the signs, they are quite alone. And it is quite difficult to predict how long they will endure this hopeless struggle, if only because they have a lot of internal political problems even without migrants, such as the difficulties related to the Catalan independence drive.

And, of course, there is also some discreet charm for the world in the fact that the future of the world depends on the outcome of a single country's upcoming election. In other words, we, the people, have become slaves to a great power, since we are at a point where our future may depend on the internal politics of this power.

I indicated only a tiny fraction of the problems pressing the world above, but just by experiencing these few phenomena, it can be concluded that the world has begun to become stupid. It is difficult to predict whether this will lead to a split, when it will happen and what it will look like.

In any case, you don't have to be a philosopher to notice that this age is slowly turning into dying, because it is materialistic and is constantly preparing for horrors, so it started on the slope that helps it to destroy itself.

More sensitive people have noticed this dying and self-digesting for a long time, and they even know that with the disappearance of this age - whether it was caused by a peaceful or a violent event - a new spiritual era greets our Earth. Many of us know that apart from the material world, there is another worldview that views life and existence from a much higher perspective, just as we also know that people immersed in matter deny this and will never accept it.

Nor that the "miracles" of the Old and New Testaments are not concoctions made out of thin air, but testify to the fact that such a power resides in them, next to which all other powers are dwarfed.

The power of tanks and atomic bombs to destroy civilization and life becomes nothing before the triple miracle of Faith, Will and Love, the Bible proclaims, and Christ also proclaimed this in his countless parables. Belief, or even knowledge, cannot be imposed on anyone, especially not today's people who do not want to think, who are incapable of distinguishing between good and bad, and do not even know morality from the news.

So, the world is definitely falling apart, and it has begun to become stupid. It would be nice to prevent it.

And get rid of Evil. We know opinions and teachings from many ancient and modern scientists, thinkers, and artists that show a lot of wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual sensitivity. We don't really care about them. Some sentences of the Roman philosopher Seneca fit the above.

To conclude my reflection, I write: “Wake up, wretch, when will you love me? Oh, how much precious time you waste on evil! How much better it would have been to make friends, to reconcile your enemies, to take care of state affairs, to take care of your household affairs - rather than constantly looking at how you could harm someone, how you could harm their honor, property, and physical integrity." Well, it is very good to read beautiful thoughts of wise people. And it is very bad to experience that wise, clever and beautiful thoughts - poetically speaking - rarely fall on fertile ground. We are as slow as the three monkeys. We cannot see, hear or speak. You should.

Hungarian Newspaper