The president of Tisza ran away this time as well.

After the chairman of the Tisza Party had previously said that he would participate in the public media program 48 Minutes only after the flood subsided, the editors offered Péter Magyar and Balázs Orbán, the prime minister's political director, a new date for the debate.

This time, the invitation will take place at 8:35 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, and the topic of the live discussion will continue to be the current situation in Hungary, according to the public media's information on Tuesday, in accordance with the previous invitation.

Péter Magyar turned down the participation in the conversation originally planned for September 19, saying that he is willing to participate in the program after the flood recedes.

However, the president of Tisza will probably not appear on the show at the new time either.

"Public TV offered a new date for the debate between Péter Magyar and Balázs Orbán, but Magyar rejected this as well," Telex wrote. As can be seen from the newspaper's article: the Tisza did not even come up with a new excuse, it again referred to the flood.

After the first refusal, Balázs Orbán announced that after "for months, Péter Magyar has been oppressing the Hungarian public interested in politics by the fact that" no one debates with him, and he is not invited to public television", when "he would be given space and surface, he tries to hide from the eels in a way that lies beyond dispute."

Balázs Orbán also stated: "Don't worry, I'll wait. I wonder what the excuse will be next time," because he sees it as: "Hungary has so far provided a world-class performance in making excuses and making accusations."


Cover photo: Péter Magyar
Source: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs