The widow of the Hungarian-born Hollywood star visited Hungary.

- He talked a lot about Mátészalka, where his father came from. Büszke was always a proud Hungarian American, says the widow of Tony Curtis about her former husband, who came to the city of Szabolcs as a guest of honor at the international film festival named after the Hollywood star. Jill Curtis-Weber also talks about why she feels better away from Hollywood.

In the interview, she said that she traveled to Hungary for the second time, the first time she visited our country with her husband, about a decade and a half ago.

When asked whether Hungary has changed much since then, he answered: not really.

"It's true, I walk the same circles on the banks of the Danube, we also went up to Buda Castle and stayed in the same hostel on the Danube bank. Even then, I really liked their country. I also visited Mátészalka before, but we only spent a very short time here with Tony".

According to the widow, Tony Curtis spoke a lot about Mátészalka, where his father came from. "He has always been a proud Hungarian American. Until the age of five, they only spoke Hungarian at home, and he thought – even though their home was New York – that they lived somewhere around Budapest. He never forgot his mother tongue. That is why I am honored to be invited to the Tony Curtis International Film Festival. I'm sure Tony would love to be here too," he said.

He also talked about his marriage: according to him, he spent a total of sixteen years with the movie star.

"He was the way we see him on the screen, the way the viewer wants to see him in everyday life. Very funny, quick-witted, and very kind. Someone who found common ground with everyone. Wherever he went, he made friends. He was one of the last movie stars who really cared about his image. He grew up in it, and in the studios he also deepened how to establish a relationship with his fans. He kept this in mind all his life, he always said: I didn't want to be an actor, I wanted to be a movie star. And it was," she testified about her late husband.

Jill Curtis-Weber's social media photo shows her posing with a large Trump poster. "My husband and I are quite conservative. Maybe it surprises the public, but Tony was too," he said in this regard.

“It's generally assumed that just because Tony was successful in Hollywood, he was also a liberal – and he's not at all. He supported the Democrats during the presidency of John F. Kennedy, but already the Republicans under the two Bushes. He also loved Ronald Reagan, he was good friends with George Bush Sr., but he also knew Donald Trump.

He would love a Trump presidency. He stood by America and its army wholeheartedly, even as someone who served on a submarine in World War II (he also witnessed the Japanese capitulation in September 1945 — ed.) I'm sure he would feel the same now as we do," Jill stated. Curtis-Weber.

"Indeed, half of America feels the same way. We see that our country is moving in the wrong direction, and we want to stop it. We are not interested in the United States becoming a socialist country. This includes political correctness, as well as the fact that they want to take away our rights, believing that others are entitled to more rights. We want our country to become better, but basically we want to keep it in its original state. Democrats aren't what they used to be either. So we're pretty conservative. When we moved out of California in 2011, we didn't even need a door key. Why should it be? We haven't closed anything. Break-ins were unknown. We put up the locks in 2019 and then moved to South Dakota," explained Jill Curtis-Weber, who said that Chuck Norris and Clint Eastwood are not the only Hollywood stars who support Trump.

“Trump is not afraid to make the necessary changes. He doesn't care about who likes him and who doesn't. I like that he is very outspoken, very American and very strong-armed. And now we need exactly these qualities. Just for a person who is not afraid to put himself down hard, offend some people, or get them out of their groove. As a woman, like many of my peers, I would love to vote for another woman who would make a wonderful president, but that someone is definitely not Kamala Harris. In the presidential candidate debate with Trump, there were three against one: the presenters of the ABC channel also sided with Harris. It was bad to watch. Unfortunately, many people will vote for her simply because she is a woman. However, we should keep in mind where our country is headed now," said Jill Curtis-Weber, who cannot even imagine what would have happened if the assassination attempt against Trump had been successful.

"It is difficult for me to say the word civil war, but it is certain that crowds would have poured into the streets to fight each other there. If anything went wrong with Trump, half the country would explode. Of course, we have family members who vote for the opposite side — Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are going to be interesting this time in America," Jill Curtis-Weber concluded the conversation.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Jill Curtis-Weber
Source: Facebook/Jill Curtis-Weber