If the Palestinians are as inclusive as many American NGOs say, then organizing a gay parade should be no problem.

"This is not a joke. This is not a publicity stunt. Our offer is real,” said Gregory T. Angelo, president of the New Tolerance Fund. The New Tolerance Campaign (NTC), a US-based advocacy group, has released a $1 million offer for Queers for Palestine or any US LGBTQ advocacy organization to hold gay pride marches in Gaza or Judea and Samaria.

“Over the past year, we have seen the so-called Queers for Palestine and its allied LGBTQ organizations claim that the Palestinian territories are 'inclusive' - now is their chance to prove it.

We are willing to give them our money to support a gay Pride march in Gaza or the West Bank.'' The offer is valid for the next six months, until March 16, 2025, jns.org reported.

The NTC said it tried to promote the campaign with full-page ads in The New York Times, The Washington Post and USA Today.

All three newspapers rejected the ad citing security concerns.

On Monday, the NTC began rolling out billboards around Columbia University on New York's Upper West Side, the Washington headquarters of the Human Rights Campaign and the University of California, Los Angeles.

“The campaign also allows everyday Americans to send messages directly to the leaders of the Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, the LGBTQ Task Force, and Advocates for Trans Equality, encouraging them to actually fight for LGBTQ rights instead of being political take a position against Israel, the only gay-friendly country in the Middle East," reads the NTC website.

According to the rules of the tender, the beneficiary group must be a recognized American organization; the parade must be at least one kilometer long and must travel along a main road; and must include at least 200 participants, 80 percent of whom must be Palestinian and from Judea and Samaria or Gaza. In addition

participants must outwardly “show” LGBTQ pride symbols or attire, including but not limited to rainbow flags, trans flags, full leather or drag clothing.

civilek.info: We would like to see this. Also, how many of the members of the procession that started the journey would survive to the final destination. Those with an entrepreneurial spirit, attention, if they didn't know, they would shoot in that direction too...

Source and title image: Neokohn.hu