The government has created a green number in connection with flood protection, announced the parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of the Interior.

Bence Rétvári announced,

at 06/80-204-240, public information about the flood can be requested and reports can be made about the flood situation, and donations can also be made here.

He also reported that according to a recent government decree, vehicles participating in the defense with a yellow distinguishing mark can also use the bus lanes.

Regarding Kisoroszi, he reported that

the settlement surrounded by the Danube prepared for seclusion, they stockpiled food and sandbags,

the ambulance service is in the settlement with a fully equipped ambulance. In addition, a helipad was built in case something needs to be brought or taken to Kisorosi urgently. He added that in Kisoroszi, the Kötel Volunteer Firefighting Association also provides the conditions for boat transportation.

Bence Rétvári said that 256 police officers are currently involved in the defense, they help with closing and patrolling. In places where the power has been turned off, where street lights may not work, they maintain a reinforced service, as well as protect properties whose owners have had to vacate.

In response to a question, Bence Rétvári emphasized that the budget reimburses the self-defense costs of the local governments from the force majeure framework , and that the local governments can submit a claim for fifty percent of the costs in advance.

Source: MTI

Cover image: MTI/Csaba Krizsán