We always feel the warm love and admiration that some leading politicians of the European Union feel for us, but the poor show it badly. But they love me very much.

But it's good that they love it so much! However, I would be interested in when the Union will grow out of kindergarten. It would make me happy if we were fooled. And where is the girl proposal?

Of course, I don't know how the same process takes place with girls, but

Judging from the signs, Unió may be a boy, because he is currently living in his teenage years.

He likes this beautiful Hungary, so he pulls our hair as often as he can. Illegal migration? Hair pulling. LGBTQ issues? Hair pulling. Rule of law procedures? Pulling, pulling, pulling hair.

Now here is this catastrophic situation, because the Danube is overflowing. But not only the pioneer and the scout, but also the ovis' little brother helps where needed. The rest of his friends can count on him, but not the one he is in love with, that is, Hungary. Hair pulling comes instead.

Because the best we can get from Brussels and Ursula von der Pfizer is a nervous breakdown, not a single penny of money.

This is what Balázs Orbán, the prime minister's political director, pointed out when he read Ursula's Facebook post.

Our country was somehow forgotten by the woman's outpouring of solidarity, because she promised help to the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Romanians and Austrians. The great woman sympathizes with them, and Hungary does not exist. The Danube does not flow through our lankas, there are no floods here, it avoids us.

Von der Szőke (painted) looked at her phone and did not receive an SMS that she should also look at the map. Nicsak, what is the spot bordered by Austria to the west, Slovakia to the north, and Romania to the east? What is the blue line on the stain that goes through it? It doesn't matter, because there is no flood there, it suddenly subsides at the entrance border, and suddenly swells again at the exit. It can only be so, otherwise your lady would be nice to us too.

I understand the logic. Elsewhere, dams broke, people lost their lives, the tragedies are palpable. We "only" defend ourselves and keep the water in the bed as much as possible. Of course, defense costs a lot, financial support would be nice, but what do we want when nothing special happened to us? We don't deserve even a word of sympathy.

But it's good that they love it so much! However, I would be interested in when the Union will grow out of kindergarten. It would make me happy if we were fooled. And where is the girl proposal?

Author: Jr. György Tóth

Cover image: MTI/AP