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Lajos Jenovay, the president and main organizer of the Petőfi MME in Nagybecskerek, greeted the gathering, and then Attila Molnár, a member of the MNT, gave a speech. Afterwards, Annamária Žugić's occasional recitation, Kata Rontó's violin playing and the songs of the Emmanuel Chamber Choir made the commemoration even more solemn.

At the end of the event, flowers of grace were placed at the memorial site.

On behalf of the mother country, Gábor Pálinkás, the first subordinate of the Embassy of Hungary in Belgrade, and Dávid Feitscher, the secretary of the Office of the Military Attaché of the Embassy in Belgrade, laid wreaths, as well as Attila Molnár of the MNT, Vice President József Kerekes of the VMSZ, Lajos Jenovay of the VMMSZ, János Puskás and József Bukovics on behalf of Petőfi from Nagybecskerek. flowers of remembrance were placed, at the same time members of the Order of St. George laid wreaths, Emma Konrád, Márta Rontó, János Halmai and Tibor Halmai were present at the commemoration.

Source: Vojvodina MA

Author and photo: Otília Kónya-Kovács