The opposition Action of Dissatisfied Citizens (ANO), led by Andrej Babis, won the regional general assembly and partial senate elections in the Czech Republic at the end of the week, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Sunday.

The official statistical report revealed that ANO won in 10 of the 13 regions. ANO won 292 of the 685 regional self-government mandates, the governing coalition Civic Democratic Party (ODS) came in second with 106 mandates, while the Mayors and Independents (STAN), also in government positions, came in third with 73 representatives.

The Mayors and Independents for the Liberec Region movement within STAN can claim another 20 mandates, so the party has a total of 93 regional representatives at the national level.

The government coalition Christian Democrat KDU-CSL took fourth place with 49 seats, the opposition Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) came fifth with 32 seats, followed by TOP 09 with 16 seat seats.

The fifth member of the government coalition, the Pirate Party, can only get three representatives to the regional assembly.

, ANO gained the most ODS gained seven seats.

The Pirate Party, on the other hand, lost 94 seats. The party leadership offered his resignation. Local observers do not rule out the possibility that the Pirate Party will leave the government coalition as a result.

Andrej Babis's ANO movement also won in the first round of the partial Senate election.

Two of the five candidates who have already secured a mandate are members of ANO. Among all the parties, the most, 19 of their candidates, advanced to the second round.

Four years ago, ANO won in eight regions, but in only three of them was it able to obtain the post of regional leader.

In the partial Senate election, the fate of one third of the 81-member upper house of parliament, i.e. 27 mandates, will be decided.

More than fifty percent of the votes are required to win senatorial seats, which is now a record number, i.e. five candidates succeeded in the first round. In twenty-two districts, a second round will take place in a week, in which the winner is the one who gets a simple majority of the votes.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó congratulated the Babis on their success in a Facebook post:

Source: MTI/Péter Szijjártó's Facebook page

Cover image: MTI/EPA/Stephanie Lecocq