The Roman Catholic church in Tiszapalkonya, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County, renovated at a cost of more than twenty million forints, was handed over on Sunday.

At the event, Zsófia Koncz, the Secretary of State responsible for families at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, quoted the words of Pope Francis and spoke about the fact that cooperation makes us better people, better students , and the locals have already proven this several times during their work on the renewal of their settlement.

In the renovation of the Roman Catholic church, the Catholic community, the Reformed congregation, the local government, the Archdiocese of Eger and the government of Hungary came together, and the tender for the renovation of the church and the Hungarian village program provided more than twenty million forints for the renovation works, said the state secretary.

Zsófia Koncz noted that since 2010, many churches have been renovated in Hungary , which is very important for the local communities. Visiting the churches offers people relaxation, recharge and immersion, the developments carried out greatly improve the image of the settlement and strengthen the tourist character of the given settlement, he said.

Recalling the history of the church, the state secretary emphasized that in the current times of war, the value of these church and historical places and those church communities that can provide security and help to families and settlements will increase.

As part of the thanksgiving service, Archbishop Csaba Ternyák of Eger consecrated and blessed the renovated church.

Source: MTI

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