This is already the third invitation where the president of the Tisza party could confront Viktor Orbán's political director, who encourages him to do so, saying: Péter Magyar should not be a coward this time.

The prime minister's political director Péter Magyar was personally invited to a debate - it was said on Sunday in the current news program of the M1 channel.

Since both of them will be present at the European Parliament for the presentation of the Hungarian EU presidency, Balázs Orbán suggested that a separate debate be held between the two of them organized by the public media.

Péter Magyar has not yet responded to the request.

It was said that "this is not the first time that Péter Magyar has run, as he has always rejected previous invitations citing various reasons". Ten days ago, Dóra Dávid, a politician from the Tisza Party, was invited to live on the program 48 Minutes, but he did not appear in the studio.

Two days later, the public media also invited Péter Magyar to a live broadcast, where they also invited Balázs Orbán, who accepted the invitation of 48 minutes. The president of the Tisza Party avoided the possibility and claimed to wait for the flood to recede, it was said in the news program.

In compliance with Péter Magyar's request, the editors of 48 Minutes invited the president of the Tisza Party, scheduled for the third of October, after the flood expected to recede, but to no avail, they reported on the channel, where they also reminded that Magyar rejected this possibility, also citing the flood situation. .

The public media is waiting for Balázs Orbán and Péter Magyar at a new time

Nevertheless, he gave a 50-minute interview to Partizán the next day, and also posted about his twenty-fifth graduation meeting from a beer bar.

Péter Magyar was now invited to debate by Balázs Orbán himself, who wrote on his social media page, "if the television also agrees, then I hope that this will be acceptable to you as well, and there will be no more eel-mongering, accusations, and gloom".

The prime minister's political director added: In order to save his own credibility, Péter Magyar should say yes to what he has been demanding from others for months.


Cover photo: Balázs Orbán
Source: MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi