Another skeleton has fallen out: as the head of the Student Loan Center, the current party president concluded several contracts with the companies of his confidants.

A new contract has emerged that Péter Magyar signed while still head of the Student Loan Center with a company owned by Balázs Trentin.

And Balázs Trentin is none other than one of the current background figures of the Tisza Party, who participates in the formation of rural organizations.

In other words, Péter Magyar provided tens of millions to the companies of an important person of his now as a state company manager. He did all this under interesting conditions.

About a week ago, independent member of parliament Ákos Hadházy made a post on social media in which he claimed: as head of the Student Loan Center, Magyar signed unnecessary and overpriced contracts. Hadházy also mentioned examples and then hinted that

the executor of one of these agreements works for the Tisza Party today.

Péter Magyar rejected this in an almost uncountable number of transcribed Facebook comments.

However, Magyar Nemzet found out the details: the Hungarian-led Student Loan Center signed a contract with a certain Troia Media Kft. on December 1, 2021. In this, the company undertook to calculate, for a net amount of HUF 13.34 million, the probable impact of the loans granted to students on the national economy. In addition, he had to estimate the economic impact of student loans in the next 3-5 years.

Moreover, the seemingly impossible assignment had to be completed very quickly, according to the contract, the so-called management presentation had to be held before December 23rd. It seems that Péter Magyar already wanted to celebrate Christmas with the knowledge of the impact on the national economy of the activities of the company he leads.

Now another interesting contract has surfaced. A year before the previous case, the Student Loan Center concluded a contract with Think & Tank Management Kft. That assignment was for HUF 14.7 million, and it could also be very urgent, because the work had to be done between December 14 and 31, 2020.

There are several points in common in the circumstances of the two contracts. On the one hand, both are just short of HUF 15 million, and on the other hand, both were signed in the last days of the given year.

Ákos Hadházy was of the opinion in this regard: the sums were determined so that there was no need to call for public procurement, and according to him, the dates indicate that the state company led by Péter Magyar wanted to spread the money left over during the year.

But there is one more catch. Both companies contracting with the Student Loan Center, i.e. Troia Media Kft. and Think & Tank Management Kft., are also connected to Lajos Balázs Trentin.

Trentin is not just anyone in the Tisza Party. According to newspaper reports, on August 17, the police organized a meeting for the urban coordinators of five constituencies in Pest County in Dunaharasztin. József Kiss and Balázs Trentin were guests at the event, who spoke about the creation and operation of the Tisza Islands. The so-called Tisza islands are local Tisza party organizations created on the model of former civic circles.

According to experts, since the Tisza Islands provide local embeddedness, they are the most important organizational units of the Hungarian party, and their organization is one of the keys to the political rise of the Tisza Party.

Lajos Balázs Trentin, whose interests received orders of at least two tens of millions from the Student Loan Center when the state company was headed by Péter Magyar, is involved in this work of no small importance.

The information that Trentin participates in the work of the Tisza party is confirmed by several moments. On the one hand, he was hinted at by Ákos Hadházy, who knows him well from within the left, and on the other hand, Trentin's social media presence also hints at this.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Péter Magyar, chairman of the Tisza party
Source: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák