Four people were stabbed in Stuttgart, and so far no one has dealt with the case.

On June 26, a Syrian man stabbed four people in Stuttgart, Die Welt reports. The newspaper reported that the suspect had allegedly not been in the police's crosshairs before, and there was no evidence that a terrorist act had taken place, but

it makes this whole story more than suspicious that they have tried to cover it up so far.

This assumption is only strengthened by the fact that, according to the latest reports, the suspect has threatened people several times before. Although the police knew about the verbal and physical attacks, the person remained at large.

Surveillance camera footage clearly shows how the 25-year-old Syrian refugee managed to smuggle an eight-centimeter knife into the evening football match.

Later, completely unexpectedly, he pulled out his knife and suddenly stabbed a man in the back. He then stabbed three other fans with the blade before security guards and police finally managed to stop him. The victims (three Turks and one German) all survived, but some of them had to be taken to hospital.

Unlike the Islamist attack in Solingen, no one has dealt with the knife attack in Stuttgart so far.

However, it is striking that in the police report and later in the media, this attack was presented as if it was the result of an "argument", and it was set up as if the attacker had suddenly taken out his knife in a fit of rage.

However, investigators now believe that this is a completely wrong approach. According to witnesses, the suspect attacked his victims suddenly and without prior communication, and the victims and the suspect did not know each other.

Cover photo: A man is pulled over by the police at the main train station in Cologne
Source: MTI/EPA/Sascha Steinbach