It was not in vain that we delayed the Swedes joining NATO, claiming that they are hostile to us. Now they have once again proven that they are not really our neighbors, they are taking the initiative together with the Finns to withdraw additional EU funds from Hungary.

Népszava , the Finnish and Swedish governments propose in a joint letter that a wider range of European Union subsidies - including agricultural payments - be tied to the observance of the rule of law in the future. So far, agricultural resources have not been affected by the withholding of payments, however, according to the competent ministers of the two countries

further development of the EU rule of law mechanism is necessary.

It is emphasized that stricter conditions are needed in the awarding and disbursement of community financial resources. In a letter addressed to Commission Vice President Vera Jourová and Commissioner Didier Reynders, the Finnish and Swedish EU ministers

they also recommend that not only catch-up funds, but a wider range of EU subsidies be made conditional on member states respecting the rule of law, democracy and fundamental human rights.

Until now, Hungary has received agricultural subsidies independently, despite the fact that part of the cohesion funds and the payments of the recovery fund have been suspended.

The approval of the proposal also requires the support of the majority of the European Parliament .

They also sent a message to Viktor Orbán

The Finnish and Swedish governments also sent a message to the Orbán government in their letter, stressing that it is not possible to strengthen competitiveness without trust between the member states. "For this trust to be maintained and strengthened, all member states must adhere to common values ​​such as the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights." - observed the Mandiner.

Cover photo: Ulf Kristersson, Prime Minister of Sweden
MTI/EPA/Julien Warnand