According to recent reports, jihadists in the Sahel country, Burkina Faso, carried out their most serious carnage to date. In the two-day series of murders, the lives of at least four hundred innocent civilians were taken, said Tristan Azbej, the Secretary of State responsible for programs to help persecuted Christians of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the vice-president of the Christian Democratic People's Party (KDNP) on the aa social page on Tuesday.

He added: the number of wounded and those driven from their homes cannot be estimated.

What is likely to be less reported by Western news sources is the anti-Christian nature of the attack

he noted.

The murders leave no doubt that Islamist extremists are behind them:

26 people gathered for a church service were killed in a church

- written by.

Azbej Tristan recalled that in 2019 he led a humanitarian mission to the site of the current attack, Sanmatenga County.

During the meetings, I could hear a lot about what it's like to live under the threat of jihadists, but also about how faith in Christ gives strength to the people living here even in the midst of the destruction of human evil, he enlivened.

Tristan Azbej also wrote about the fact that the Hungarian government was the first in the world to raise the issue of helping persecuted Christians to the level of a state program.

We believe that the lives and human dignity of Christian people are worth as much as anyone else's

he emphasized.

The Hungary Helps program provides assistance to Christian communities living in persecuted or other crisis zones in more than 50 countries.

We launched support programs in the violence-stricken areas of the Sahel; in those countries where different communities live together peacefully, we support peace and stability, to prevent conflicts and migration, he wrote.

The persecution of Christians must end, and the world must stand by the innocent persecuted instead of indifference and silence!

Tristan Azbey pointed out.

Let's pray for the survivors, for the families of the victims, for our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters and do our best to end the violence! – the Christian Democrat politician concluded his post, which .