Evelin Vogel, Péter Magyar's ex-girlfriend, gave an exclusive interview to Index According to him, the leader of the Tisza Party is not who he seems. The leader of the z opposition thinks he can get any woman in Hungary. An exclusive interview also reveals why Péter Magyar called his colleagues at Tiszás brain dead.

The former partner of the president of the Tisza Party contacted Index to talk about the relationship between the two of them, about the initial period of the party's formation, which is also interesting from the point of view of public life, and about their separation. In the conversations, Evelin confessed honestly about what her relationship with Péter Magyar was like, what she thinks now about the leader of the opposition party and the performance of the party in the light of the past months. During the interview, Evelin Vogel struggled with tears several times and told me about Magyar like this. Among other things, he also talked about how, during their relationship, Magyar once screamed at him on the street and approached him in such a way that he was scared of him: 

"I felt threatened, I was afraid. I'm not usually afraid that much, but when a woman is confronted by a man who gives out all his anger, strength, and voice, it can be really scary for a woman." 

he said.

According to Evelin Vogel, Péter Magyar is not what he seems from the outside. When asked what Magyar would say about giving an interview to Index, Vogel answered the following:

"He will be angry, angry, but he will say that he expected this, and he will even say that this is the work of Fidesz. I don't know what he will do to me. I hope my family is not hurt"

According to the former partner of the president of the Tisza Party, Magyar is basically not a brave person, he is the person who put everything on one page.

"He had no ideas, no convictions, he did not want change in the country. He always had a big mouth, but he was actually playing it safe."

When asked who he thought Péter Magyar really was, he answered after a long pause:

I don't even dare to answer this question.

Evelin Vogel also spoke about the fact that she had already felt that she wanted to tell her story, but after the breakup she felt that it was better to wait, but she felt responsible for the people she herself had organized into the Tisza Party.

Cover image: Index, screenshot