Evelin Vogel has been blackmailing me and the TISZA Party since May. He wanted to extort HUF 30 million from us with threats - writes the first member of the Tisza Party to file a complaint for extortion in the case in response to the accusations made in today's Index interview with his ex.

"Evelin Vogel has been blackmailing me and the TISZA Party since May. He wanted to extort HUF 30 million from us with threats. He demanded the mentioned amount not only from me, but also from the other 5 colleagues of the party. After we rejected his blackmail, he contacted the vice president of Fidesz, Gábor Kubatov, and in exchange for HUF 5 million per month and other benefits, he undertook the false propaganda interview published on Index"

Péter Magyar, the president of the Tisza Party, reacted on Facebook to the interview that his ex-girlfriend, Evelin Vogel, gave to Index. In the long post, Magyar also wrote that he is filing a complaint for blackmail.

As civilek.info also wrote, Evelin Vogel, Péter Magyar's ex-girlfriend, gave a video interview to Index, and she claimed, among other things, that Magyar had put a laptop and a flash drive in her hands before her hearing at the prosecutor's office in the spring in order to immediately destroy them. . According to Evelin Vogel, the leader of the Tisza Party is not who he seems and is afraid of him, and fears that he might take revenge on his family for the interview.

Photo source: Péter Magyar Facebook