The state will spend almost HUF 8 billion on the Apáczai scholarship program, which will last for the next 3-3.5 years.

A student's financial disadvantage should not be a barrier to learning - said the Deputy State Secretary responsible for vocational training of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation on the M1 current channel on Wednesday in connection with the Apáczai scholarship program.
Gáborn Pölöskei stated that those who achieve an average of at least 3.5 and are in a disadvantaged, cumulatively disadvantaged situation or receive regular family support can apply for the scholarship program. He said that they want to create an opportunity to ensure the children's further education. In addition to higher education, this also applies to the student obtaining a full profession from a partial profession.

The Deputy State Secretary stated that almost HUF 8 billion will be spent on the program lasting the next 3-3.5 years, and they are confident that the program can continue in the future.

75 percent of the children applied for the scholarship program from technical schools. Through the program, they help catch up and carry out other support activities, the students are dealt with by mentor teachers.

Gáborn Pölöskei indicated that last year 12 percent of students from vocational training entered universities, this figure has already reached 20 percent this year.

He added that an "input measurement" was carried out with the participation of 43,000 students in September, and the groups are formed based on the results. He underlined that a support system is created, and individual development is started for those who need it. The measurement is not mandatory, but it is considered successful, and it can be done by public schools as well as church and private institutions.

Deputy State Secretary for Vocational Education Kossuth Rádió Good morning, Hungary! stated in his program that students can apply for the scholarship program through the KRÉTA system until October 6.

According to him, almost five thousand children participated in the program last year. He said that the students in the program receive HUF 42,000 per month, which is supplemented by the general scholarship or the amount received by the employment contract for those participating in dual education.


Cover image: Illustration / MTI/Tibor Rosta