The president of Tisza behaves as if he can do anything to anyone, but at the same time, if he is even expressed an opinion or recorded - as a public figure, in a public place, i.e. completely legally - he immediately threatens a lawsuit, turns to a humiliating aggressive tone, or even takes action resorted to.

The interview, in which Evelin Vogel, Péter Magyar's ex-girlfriend, reports on the first months of the disco politician's "political" career, is very similar to Judit Varga's previous, honest confession, in which the president of the Tisza Party presented his previously unknown, violent, manipulative, lying and disruptive side . Constitutional lawyer Zoltán Lomnici Jr. addressed not only these parallels, but also many issues that directly affect politics.

"The president of the Tisza party was described by his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend, but many politicians who knew him unanimously described him as a man with sudden anger and aggressiveness, but clinical psychologists also said: Péter Magyar clearly shows the signs of a violent personality," declared the junior. Zoltán Lomnici.

According to the constitutional lawyer, in connection with the "legal relevance of aggression and flamboyance, it can be said that the concept of sudden intention is defined in the 3/2013 BJE decision no. defines: when there is hardly any time between the determination of the will and the commission, it happens that there is a lack of foresight of the outcome of the crime."

"According to this interpretation, the suddenly formed intention, since little time has passed between the commission and the formation of the intention, cannot aggravate the judgment of the crime," pointed out Lomnici.

People with such habits have no place in public life or politics, he pointed out.

On the one hand, because of his behavior, he is unworthy to represent the Hungarian nation, and on the other hand, because he sets an example for his blind followers, thanks to which they can feel entitled to commit crimes against certain persons or institutions.

Memorable: With Péter Magyar – as with the left in general – a recurring motif is the call for political violence. In a spring speech, for example, he promised: if his political opponents continue, "2024. On June 8, we won't be so peaceful in Budapest at Hősök Square, and we won't be stopped there."

However, Péter Magyar may feel that

due to the protection of immunity, he does not have to fear the consequences of his actions, even if his scandalous behavior becomes public.

However, this protection is not absolute, and in case of suspension of the right of immunity, they can be held responsible, pointed out Zoltán Lomnici.

On the part of Evelin Vogel, a number of serious and clear statements were made in the video - in addition to those concerning the personality of Péter Magyar, also regarding specific documents and data carriers, which Magyar "asked" the ex-girlfriend to hide.

"If Péter Magyar used a threat that broke the will or bent the will of Evelin Vogel, in relation to her hiding certain documents and data carriers, then based on the relevant judicial practice, even the legal facts of coercion could be realized," the constitutional lawyer pointed out.

clarifying that the Civil Code Pursuant to § 195, anyone who forces another person to do, not do or tolerate something by force or threat, and thus causes significant harm to their interests, if no other crime is committed, is punishable by up to three years' imprisonment for a felony.

"If the mentioned data carrier contained personal data that Péter Magyar could not have, the Civil Code may be implemented. Misuse of personal data according to § 219.

According to the law, anyone who, by violating the provisions of the law on the protection or management of personal data or the provisions set out in the mandatory legal act of the European Union, for the purpose of making a profit or causing significant damage to interests, handles personal data without authorization or contrary to the purpose, or fails to take measures for the security of the data, is a misdemeanor for one year is punishable by imprisonment. Of course, all this applies to an average person, Hungarians are protected by immunity," he added.

The ex-girlfriend also reported that Péter Magyar was disappointed by the reception of Judit Varga's audio recording, she was expecting more - a bigger "baffle". This raises the question: is this kind of secretly recorded and then made public audio material sufficient for a long-term foundation of a political career?

"Forgive me in advance: making and publishing an audio recording does not constitute a political achievement, it has a tabloid value, from which you can temporarily carve political capital, but in the long term, this cannot replace constructive, persistent political work for the sake of the homeland.

Turning to the legal background, as we have already pointed out, BDT2017.3760. pursuant to decision no.

the use of a recording made with a hidden camera may violate the right to image and sound recording of a public figure.

In the case of hidden camera recording, the person concerned is obviously not in a position to make and use the image or audio recording according to the Civil Code. 2:48 a.m. The consent required in paragraph (1) of § is given in any form. Abusive use of hidden camera recording may be illegal if the notification related to a matter of public interest can be completed without publishing the video recording.

It should also be taken into account that in the case of hidden camera recording, the person affected by the recording does not voluntarily go public, and cannot count on the fact that what he says or does may be the subject of public criticism.

AB 3145/2018 of this (V. 7.) is significant in view of its decision no. public evaluations and criticisms of the community. In the context of the discussion of public affairs, therefore, they must tolerate statements of opinion that concern them or criticize them or attack them with more patience," concluded Zoltán Lomnici.

This decision is related to Kúria Pfv. 20.067/2018/6. decision no., in which it was stated that in the given case it is not possible to talk about public participation, since the person in the recording was recorded with a hidden camera.

A recording made in this way cannot be used automatically without any further consideration for reasons of public interest or public debate.

Regarding the sanctions for the violation of personal rights, i.e. the sanctions independent of blameworthiness, the compensation for damage and the responsibility for compensation are also provided for in the Civil Code. has

Evelin Vogel stated with great determination what could only be guessed until now: Péter Magyar is assisted by a professional team from behind. If this is the case, who finances them, where can a recently (re)formed party get the resources for this?

"Many people may think that Péter Magyar would certainly not have been able to finance the events related to the Tisza Party in recent months,

campaign events, but not even a citizen with a well-above-average existence - the organization of these requires a lot of energy, work and expertise in addition to the amazing financial outlay, so in the wake of several published fact-finding articles, the suspicion may arise that the Tisza Party receives financial support from abroad, however, the establishment of this and its confirmation is an official matter.

It is interesting that Evelin Vogel herself spoke up earlier and revealed that the campaign team of the politician's party is foreign, and based on the press information, there may have been an indication that financial support also came from abroad.

It should be noted that a member, responsible person or senior officer of a nominating organization according to the Act on the Electoral Procedure, as well as a candidate according to the Act on the Electoral Procedure, who uses prohibited foreign support or a financial advantage deriving from an agreement concealing the origin of the prohibited foreign support in order to evade this prohibition up

is punishable by up to three years in prison for a crime, the constitutional lawyer emphasized.

"You can get anyone in this country, in this position," - according to the ex-girlfriend, this is how Magyar reacted to their breakup. “This can clearly be related to his behavior in Ötkert! Magyar places himself above ordinary people.

It has been revealed several times that he behaves as if he can do anything to anyone, but at the same time, if he is even expressed an opinion or recorded about him - as a public figure, in a public place, i.e. completely legally -, he immediately threatens to sue, turns to a humiliating aggressive tone, or even takes action he resorts to, in the last case he even fights with analysts and experts.

And he cannot fear criminal prosecution because he trusts his right to immunity, and he knows the practice in Brussels, according to which those who agree with the globalist mainstream are almost never handed over to the authorities - suspending their immunity - and even "legal asylum" in appropriate cases. are also provided within the framework of an EP mandate to those who have clearly committed a crime," said Zoltán Lomnici, who

what was said in the current interview confirms the claims made public by his ex-wife, Judit Varga, a few months ago in the program Frisbi.

"Even though Evelin Vogel was Péter Magyar's partner for a much shorter time than Judit Varga, she still experienced similar things to what the former justice minister reported in Frisbi. Evelin Vogel accompanied Péter Magyar to his campaign events for a long time and was considered one of his main supporters. The disappointment and humiliation he suffered from Péter Magyar may have motivated him to speak out now. It is also conceivable that he wanted to reveal the reality to those who still believe in Péter Magyar," pointed out Lomnici, reminding:

In relation to Péter Magyar, Judit Varga reported a number of illegal acts, such as blackmail, harassment, false reporting, domestic violence, defamation, violation of personal freedom, bodily harm, endangering a minor and theft ("... at the end of a fight, he decided to steal my bag, lock the into the guest room..."), not to mention the violation of the former minister's right to the likeness and audio recording.

"Staying with the parallels, Evelin Vogel also reported violence, intimidation and the fact that Magyar asked her to hide documents and data carriers. The latter may also refer to the commission of the previously listed crimes," concluded junior. Zoltán Lomnici.

Cover photo: Péter Magyar, EP representative of the Tisza Party
Source: MTI/Tamás Purger