But what are we waiting for? Brussels is Brussels and Ursula von der Pfizer is a corrupt liar. What do the two have in common? All.

Foresight, organization, thorough preparation, national cooperation. This experience, this practice, brought success and protected the country from the flood disaster. Thanks to this, it was possible to keep the raging Danube in its bed, which of course cost a lot of work and a lot of money, but not nearly as much as if the river had run free.

Brussels, shedding crocodile tears, assured the flood-stricken Central and Eastern European countries of its solidarity. What's more, he also promised financial help.

To everyone, except for the judge in Gyevi, i.e. Hungary. But he also pretended not to do that.

In her first outburst, Ursula talked about the fact that the country was affected by all the floods, so the Union also provides financial aid to Hungary, but someone must have told her that our country is in trouble, so somehow the Hungarian tricolor was omitted from her Facebook post decorated with the flags of the affected nations.

Then they could tell him again that this was self-disclosure, so he entrusted the settlement of the case to his spokesperson.

And the spokesperson pretended that they would help us anyway. He said that the EU support is of course due to all the member states involved, including Hungary.

And he explained the flag bearer as follows: at the time of the statement in question, data on the damage was received only from the mentioned five countries - Austria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Poland and Slovakia. Of course, Hungary can also apply for the 10 billion euro frame.

He just didn't add that he could apply, but why? Only those countries that meet the necessary "criteria" can benefit from the cohesion fund. That is: "In the case of a major natural disaster, the total direct damage must exceed 3 billion euros in 2011 prices or 0.6 percent of the GNI of the affected state, whichever is lower."

Now, since we successfully defended ourselves, this amount will probably remain below what was stipulated in the conditions and although there is no summation of damages yet, watching the news and reports in Brussels, Mrs. Von der Pfizer should have known, or at least guessed, that she can promise calmly, we won't get a single iron.

I think we can even be happy that they don't initiate proceedings against us for breach of obligations, because we didn't allow waves of migrants to enter our lands, and we can be happy if we don't get anything, but they won't punish us for billions of euros for the defense.

It has been proven once again that Viktor Orbán is not right, but will be right. What did he say about possible help from Brussels? It's like a dog's dinner - that is, uncertain.

Well, it couldn't be more uncertain than that.

But not much meaner.

György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: Ursula Von Der Leyen, President of the European Commission
Source: MTI/EPA/Martin Divisek