The head of the American College of Bishops confirms that Catholics should vote for life. Abortion is an issue of paramount importance.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is encouraging Catholics to celebrate Respect for Life Month with a "renewal of prayer and action" as abortion remains a "top priority" in the country's political life, reads. on a news portal.

Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, chairman of the USCCB's Commission on Life, issued a statement urging Catholics to

renew their commitment to "work for the legal protection of all human life, from conception to natural death."

The bishop issued the announcement on the occasion of October's Respect for Life Month, which the church has dedicated to the protection of life since 1973.

"We must demand policies that help women and their children in need, while continuing to help mothers in our own communities through local pregnancy centers," the bishop stated, adding that

Catholics must "extend a hand of compassion" to those who have had an abortion.

"The most important thing is to recommit ourselves to fervent prayer for life," Bishop Burbidge urged.

He said that while American Catholics should be grateful for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, 50 years of nationwide access to abortion "tragically created a national mindset in which many Americans have become complacent about some measure of abortion."

As a result, the issue of abortion remains a "top priority" for US Catholic bishops, given that it destroys more than 1 million American lives each year.

Bishop Burbidge linked the month of respect for life with Eucharistic renewal, saying that Jesus, who gives us the fullness of life in the Eucharist, "calls us all to respect this gift of life in every human person".

"While we live in a society that often rejects those who are weak, fragile or vulnerable, they are most in need of our care and protection," Bishop Burbidge added.

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