If a new, fast-spreading but harmless virus appears, why should we vaccinate?

Make no mistake, I am not anti-vaccination. At the height of the Covid epidemic, I gave myself the two basic vaccinations, and later also the third booster dose. But then the epidemic claimed many lives. However, it is known that the current, rapidly spreading mutation does not cause serious problems.

"Although it does not cause serious symptoms, the coronavirus is still spreading very quickly in Hungary. A new variant of Covid has reached our country, and it has been sweeping the country since the start of school. There is no vaccine available in Hungary against this version of the virus," writes Világgazdaság.

The new Covid variant causes coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and fatigue. There is currently no vaccine available in Hungary against the new Covid variant. They emphasized that as soon as the vaccine becomes available, the population will be notified in time."

The basic news so far. It is gratifying that if there will be a vaccine, we will be informed in time. But what if the virus only has the same effect as a cold?

As I said, I am not anti-vaccination. At the same time, I am also not in favor of having all kinds of substances injected into me unnecessarily. Once the experts claim that it does not cause serious symptoms, I believe it without reservation.

But then why is it a problem if there is no vaccine against it? I'm not kidding, I really don't get it. Unless... but no, I don't even dare to think that it's purely a matter of business.

Or it would be if there was a vaccine.


Cover image: European Parliament