Did you know that the EU trains teenagers to entertain gay bar audiences with drag shows? - asks CitizenGo, and their answer is to initiate a petition against the nefarious EU aspirations.

The EU finances an ERASMUS+ program for young people aged 14-17 called "Dragtivism", naturally with the money of European citizens. As they write, 35,730 euros (more than 14 million forints) were spent on the "Dragtivism" project alone, and nearly 2.5 million euros (1 billion forints) were spent on other LGBT-themed Erasmus+ projects.

The 10-day residential camp teaches participants how to dress up as a transvestite, "discover their alter ego," "learn about queer history and gender identity," and most importantly, become "LGBT activists."

At the end of the program, the kids are taken to a gay bar or similar place to perform what they learned about being a drag queen.

Until now, I considered it a mean, dirty, disgusting step that Hungarian students were excluded from the ERASMUS program, but from now on I think of it as a good thing, because at least we can protect our young people from the "great" opportunity to participate in an aberrant program.

In the justification of CitizenGo's petition, we can read that at the closing performance of the previous camp, a 16-year-old boy dressed as a transvestite danced in a sexualized manner on the stage of a gay bar. He was joined by a young girl wearing only underwear and duct tape on her nipples.

On the website of the Háttér Társaság, which promotes deviant principles, you can also read the propaganda text for applying to the aberrant camp, encouraging young Hungarians who may be normal at the moment, but are unsure of their gender identity for some reason, to apply for the camp announced in Slovakia in January 2024. It's lucky that the invitation has already expired, and no new ones have been issued. At the same time, the call, although it was for aberrant education, was aimed at people over 18 years old, so they did not violate the law.

But what did they entice the young people with then? Of course, with Dodona duma. The goals of the camp are as follows:

  • – explore your gender self-expression as a form of art and activism;
  • – deepen your knowledge of LGBTQIA+ culture and celebrate it;
  • – improve your drag skills;
  • – learn how to act against hate speech among young people;
  • – to increase the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in the European Union.

While the law in Hungary protects minors from deviant endeavors, the Union specifically supports such initiatives. Moreover, the LGBTQ lobby's target is primarily young people from more conservative, Christian countries, countries where they have not yet managed to fully accept sick otherness. And those young people who get out of the re-education camp are encouraged to preach the ideas of sexual deviance.

The CitizenGo petition calls on Ursula von der Leyen, Iliana Ivanova and the European Commission to stop funding the sexualization and molestation of children.

the petition by signing here.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

Source: CitizenGo

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