It seems that in the spirit of liberalism, free program editing is also prohibited.

I haven't listened to Tilos Radio for a long time. In the beginning, I did it, because it never hurts to know the enemy's actions, but when the scandalous statement from the mouth of Zoltán Bajtai, i.e. Barangó, that he would prefer to exterminate the Christians, on Christmas 2003, I was shocked. In any case, I find it hard to bear the obscenity that is slowly becoming commonplace and accepted in some media - this is also characteristic of the style of Tilos Rádió - but I cannot tolerate hatred against religious communities.

Knowing the extremely liberal (Bolshevik) orientation of the radio, a lot could be expected, but not what happened now.

The program called Gyökérkezelés, a public service program, was "suspended" for half a year, because the editors invited former minister Gábor Fodor, the former president of the SZDSZ, to the broadcast.

The editors interpret the suspension as meaning that the show has been permanently terminated.

Interesting, isn't it? Tilos Rádió, which claims to be a fighter for free expression - and compared to Tilos, thank you very much, can operate undisturbed, for example thanks to the champion of freedom, David Pressman, as he has just won 10 million in the amcsik's "press freedom" support tender - , because a liberal is invited, blocks a show.

He does this by defending the honor of the uniform with a justification worthy of a liberal, i.e. transparently false. Because a politician cannot appear in their programs. It's true, there is no such rule, it's true, other politicians could have appeared, but Fodor pinched the eyes of one of their chief muftis, for who knows what personal reason.

This is true, free, independent and objective media, i.e. FOS

For example, Hír TV is, according to them, propaganda television, but interestingly, they regularly invite journalists, analysts, and politicians representing the opposition opinion to debate. This is, of course, the suppression of free opinion formation, while Tilos Rádió is freedom of the press itself.

András Schiffer, the founder of the LMP, who can hardly be accused of being pro-government, also commented on what happened:

"By 2024, Tilos Rádió has reached the point where it bans a program because of Gábor Fodor's invitation. This is what happens when madness takes over everything that was once liberal, alternative and diverse."

But dear András, finally realize that now this is what is "liberal, alternative and diverse". I translate: liberal, i.e. one-sided. Alternative, i.e. only one opinion is acceptable. Multicolored, i.e. monochromatic.

Forward, comrades, on the Leninist road!

Cover image: Forbidden Radio