I remember III. The German-Roman emperor Frederick sent this message to our western neighbor: Let others make war, you happy Austria, get married! The governor of Burgenland, Hans Peter Doskozil, is sending a message today: Fear, unhappy Burgenland, because the Hungarians are building a holiday camp!

This Doskozil kid is probably right, it could really pose a huge danger to the in-laws if we set up a holiday camp for young people near the border. Even at the end, the children look over to Austria from there, and with their glances they threaten the peace of the in-laws. That would be a disaster.

At the end of the day, it is about the fact that the governor, and some of the Socdem politicians who are terrified of the victory of the Freedom Party, pretend not to know that the youth camp is not the same as the "refugee camp" . They claim that we are currently starting such a receiving station.

The intention is clear, to annoy the citizens of Burgenland, to see if they can achieve a decrease in the support of the FPÖ (Austrian Freedom Party), at least in those areas, who - rightly - classified the news of the construction of the migrant camp as fake news, horror news, and artificially induced fear.

Fear-mongering is not ineffective, the locals are already protesting. They can't know what they are against, because the plan to build the migrant camp was clarified by Gergely Gulyás, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office, revealing that a youth camp will be established next to Vitnyéd , but somehow the Sozi brothers-in-law forget to publish this.

We already know how important reality is to the Labanci camp of Austrian politicians, since they also announced at the time that they would never build a border fence, only a gate with side wings, which is quite different from the Hungarian defense system, at best eerily similar to it. We also don't forget how profoundly contemptuously superior we were treated in 2015, because we tried to prevent illegal migrants from continuing to Austria without a fence then.

The benevolent souls came, put the "refugees" who wanted to forcefully enter in a car and transported them to them, and then what happened? Take a look around Vienna, you can experience the consequences of success for yourself.

But the Socialists were never afraid of migrants. Supposedly. They are not afraid now - allegedly. Only Hungarian youths are the ones to be afraid of. And it is mandatory to lie about a migrant center that it is not. Because Labans are not at all interested in reality, that is why Comrade Doskozil wants to protect himself against the non-existent danger by closing the border.

Maybe he should have freaked out a little earlier.

It is just icing on the cake that Roland Fürst, taking advantage of the concern caused by the horror story, "accuses" the politicians of the Burgenland SPÖ Freedom Party of believing Viktor Orbán instead, while - according to him - the Hungarian Prime Minister is not a reliable partner.

It really isn't if you have to comply with the SPÖ's hypocritical policy. It is not reliable in distorting, skewing, "transcending" reality. Thanks to the Creator!

Here is the devil who was painted on the wall, so you can be afraid of him.

Just be afraid, unhappy Burgenland, because the Hungarians are building a holiday camp!

Author: Jr. György Tóth

Cover image: MTI/EPA/Antonio Bat