There are strange happenings and surprising statements and unexpected sentences in life. In theory, Gyurcsány also serves such things every day, but in reality, there is nothing surprising when he makes outrageous statements. He won't change.

It is interesting that the facial skin of the Bolsheviks and Liberniks is much thicker than that of the rhinoceros. Petrovich Vengerszkij (alias the reincarnation of Béla Magyar Péter Kun) mentioned the disgraceful figures who, as III/III agents, eavesdropped on families, even husbands and wives. Interesting, is Petrovic also a III/III agent? After all, he himself cheated with the recording he secretly made of his wife. Well, that requires a cheek!

What is Gyurcsány telling you now? He shakes his virtual fist at the government and claims that the country will lose 400 billion because

"according to the European Commission, the Hungarian government institutionally bears, tolerates and builds corruption". 

Ultimately, this great man is not wrong when he claims that we are losing because "according to the European Commission" corruption is rampant in our country. Indeed, only the Commission, and of course the national traitors at home, claim this, including Ms. Gyurcsány , who is lying to the Commission about systemic Hungarian corruption. The World Bank's corruption list, on the other hand, shows the exact opposite, with our country being one of the leaders with its index of 1.2. (The article about this can be read here .)

But this does not bother DK, they continue to blather on about the "corrupt Hungarian government" duma and their representatives in the European Parliament continue to lie about it. And this is what they feed their comrades, the liberal Bolsheviks who are hostile to our country, who, of course, are not particularly moved by the love of the Hungarians, so they gobble up the lies with a good appetite.

Of course, if they were willing to take into account not only the malicious and untrue statements of the sorosist organizations, but also, for example, the already mentioned, relatively unbiased world report, the situation of the girl would be different, but we know that there is not the slightest chance of that. Namely because

claims that are contrary to reality only suit the globalists who want to break us.

What is even more beautiful in DK's announcement is the virtual display of thick skin. They write: " Part of the system change is to not have all the power in the hands of the government, so that it can be controlled and held accountable." This is the rule of law... Whoever wins democracy, actually wins his own and his nation's well-being. This historical experience ""

Hallelujah, this is enlightenment itself! And the rudeness itself. Who are demanding a country where all power is not in the hands of the government? Well, yes, those who, being in power, defamed the rule of law and democracy with police attacks, shooting eyes, beatings to death and grossly illegal judgments precisely so that power would remain entirely in the hands of their government. They beckoned to democracy, and even did more than that, they tipped it over, so we couldn't even talk about the welfare of the nation during their rule.

It wouldn't hurt if Fletó and his accomplices were democrats even if, as a tragedy for the country, God forbid, they ended up in government. Because may God save us from that!

This is also a historical experience. 

Author: Jr. György Tóth

Cover image: MTI/Róbert Hegedűs